What is one way gambling can affect a person's mind?
Gambling makes the brain happy which causes the brain to get addicted, much like alcohol or drugs.
How does abusing alcohol while pregnant affect the baby?
It could lead to different birth defects, or even death
How could someone get HIV/AIDS from using drugs?
HIV could be transmitted by sharing contaminated/reused needles.
How can drinking affect the people around you?
You could potentially harm or kill people.
What are some reasons why a person might start smoking?
They could use them to calm themselves down, or they could use it as a coping mechanism.
What does the Bible say about gambling?
In the bible, we are warned about greed and loving money more than God.
What does the Bible say about abusing alcohol?
it could lead to careless living.
(Ephesians 5:18 - And do not get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless living, but be filled by The Spirit.)
What does the Bible say about drug/substance abuse?
It could lead to temptation and getting tricked by the devil, which might eventually lead to going to Hell. (if the user doesn't quit and repent to God.)
(Peter 5:8 - Be alert and be of a sober mind. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.)
What does the Bible say about alcoholism?
The Bible says drinking in moderation is allowed, but drunkenness is a sin.)
(Ecclesiastes 9:7 - Eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart.)
(Isaiah 5:11 - Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks.)
What does the Bible say about smoking?
While it isn't mentioned specifically in the Bible, it is said to take care of our bodies, and to avoid things that are harmful to our health.
Smoking also shows disrespect for Jesus' sacrifice, who sacrificed himself so people could be healed of their sins and sickness.
What causes gambling addiction?
It can happen if someone does it/abuses it too much, which can lead to them becoming addicted.
What causes alcohol abuse while pregnant?
The mother could not know the risks of abusing alcohol while pregnant, could be using it as a coping mechanism for stress, or they might drink because of peer pressure.
What causes someone to get HIV from drug use?
HIV can be transmitted through contact with blood (like blood pacts).
This could happen if you share a needle with someone who is infected with HIV.
What causes someone to start abusing alcohol?
The user could've been peer pressured by their friends, or they could be exposed to an environment when it seems that drinking is normalized.
What causes someone to start smoking?
The user can start smoking for a variety of reasons, like doing this to look "cool", or as a way to cope with mental health problems, etc.
What is the societal impact of gambling?
People lose their jobs, house, money, and pretty much everything.
What is the societal impact of abusing alcohol while pregnant?
Family problems, a higher chance of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, poor quality of life, and even a chance of the baby dying.
What is the societal impact of transmission of HIV/AIDS from drug abuse?
You could get sick from either the drugs(maybe an overdose) or the HIV that has a chance of being transmitted through needles.
What is the societal impact of drinking?
Negative effects on relationships/friendships with people, increased risk of being violent, and drinking and driving, which could lead to a DUI charge or even death.
What is the societal impact of smoking?
How can someone quit gambling?
You could find a healthy alternative, or seek therapy.
(i'll also take good answers that I may have forgotten to write down)
How does someone avoid abusing/drinking when they're pregnant?
Seek a medical professional to help you stop drinking if it's caused by any mental health problems.
Sometimes drinking while pregnant can be caused by the mother not being aware that they have a child.
In that case, if the mother experiences any symptoms of pregnancy, they should take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
How does someone avoid getting HIV from drug use?
Never share needles with ANYBODY, and/or take medication to prevent contracting HIV.
But the most effective way is to stop doing drugs ENTIRELY.
What would be some challenges of quitting drinking?
You could experience withdrawal symptoms like nausea, rapid heart rate, or other problems.
What would be the difficulties of quitting smoking?
Craving nicotine, being easily irritated, and having trouble concentrating.