Diet and Nutrition
Body image and stress
Menstrual Cycle

You choose who you want to come up.

What are the 3 macronutrients and 2 micronutrients?

Macro - Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat

Micro - Vitamin and minerals


Any Letter to come up --> both need to be correct for the point.

List any 2 factors/channels that can influence one's body image.

Social media, family, friends, peers

B's come up.

Fill in the blank using what we discussed in class.

Stress is anything that ________ us.

Threatens, scares, worries, thrills


A's come up.

How long is the average menstrual cycle?

28 days


Letter A and B - Both must be correct to get full points. (Spelling counts)

Which nutrient is very important for building and repairing body cells and muscles.



Letter C's come up.

What is one positive effect of having POSITIVE body image?

- Enhanced psychological adjustment

→ positive self-worth

→ life satisfaction

→ less interpersonal anxiety

-Increased physical and mental health


C's come up.

Fill in the blank. spelling counts

(1)_______ is bad stress that can make us feel sick or upset while (2)______ is good stress.

1.Distress 2.Eustress

B's come up.

We have two of these in our reproductive system that holds our eggs. 



Letter D come up

Which nutrient is the main energy source of all and is the preferred fuel for the brain.

Name the two main subcategories of this nutrient.

Carbohydrates --> Simple and complex


Letter D's come up.

Which body type tends to be muscle dominant and medium frame.

D's come up.

True or False.

Maladaptive coping mechanisms are strategies we should do/practice when we get stressed. 



C's come up.

When the egg is released, it enters the ______ which takes a few days. This is where the egg can be fertilized

Fallopian tube


Letter C come up.

Anna is a professional swimmer and trains for 3 hours after school everyday for the last 3 months. She eats 2 meals a day and noticed she feels very tired by the end of the day and does not have enough energy. Additionally, her pants don't seem to fit her anymore. Her goal is to gain weight and be stronger. 

1. Do you think Anna is achieving her goal? 

2. Why or Why not? 

3.What should she do?

1. No

2. She is very tired and pants do not fit so she is LOSING weight

3. Since she is training a lot, she should may increase what she eats throughout day since she is lacking energy.


Letters A and B - one person needs to get both right.

List any 2 effects of NEGATIVE body image.

- Low self-esteem

- Unhealthy diet affecting growth and development

- Time spent worrying about looks rather than other aspects of life

- Dissatisfaction 


A's come up.

This stressor deals can be positive like strenuous physical activity or negative when we engage in smoking, lack of sleep, or face an injury.



D's come up.

In a average menstrual cycle, what day is a women most fertile?


Choose any 2 people to come up both have to be correct for the points.

What are the four components to the healthy plate plate model?

What is the major difference between the Canada's Food guide from 2007 to the most recent?

Fruits and veggie, grain, protein water

Healthy plate model emphasizes the proportrions of every meal and now the amount of serving.


Choose any letter - cannot be the person that did Body Image 100.

What is the theory that states that every human body has a preset range of weight it tries to maintain to function optimally?

Set point theory


B's come up.

Both need to be correct

Stressor 1 deals with following moral or religious codes or lack of.

Stressor 2 deals with your feelings like being in a healthy relationship.

1. Spiritual

2. Emotional

Any 2 to come up.

1. Where does a baby grow?

2. List 2 menstrual products

1. Uterus

2. Pads and/or tampons
