What is the name of the good sugar?
What are some ways you can lose weight?
exercising and eating healthy
What is the difference between alcohol and drugs?
alcohol can get you drunk and drugs can get you high
How should you stay safe on social media?
Don't share personal information
What does lgbtq stand for?
Is a reduced fat diet always better?
Whats anaerobic exercise?
a type of exercise that breaks down glucose in the body without using oxygen
What is fentanyl?
a potent synthetic opioid drug
What should you do if your information gets leaked?
Ask a trusted adult for help
What is someone attracted to different genders then the opposite, or with a different gender than their birth gender?
A queer person
Where are hidden chemicals found?
In all the processed food you eat
Where are some places to work out?
outside, in your house, in the gym
Are drugs and alcohol both as dangerous?
What should you do if a random link pops up?
Don't click it and report if possible
What should you do if your scared to come out?
Tell a trusted adult (Guidance counselor, parents, etc.)
Where do you find nutritional values?
On the nutrition label
Can you still eat junk food?
Yes you still can,but limit the amount of times you go out and eat/cheat days
What are drugs?
substances that change a person's mental or physical state
What should you do if your getting cyber bullied?
Tell a trusted adult, report, tell them to stop, and block
How should you treat someone different from you sexually?
Treat everyone with respect
In a low fat diet what replaces fat?
What are some foods that can help you build muscle?
proteins, fruits and vegetables
What drugs can you use?
Only those prescribed by a doctor, (Don't OD)
What is the best thing to do if someone posts something mean about you?
Ask the person to take it down.
What is a bisexual person?
Someone attracted to both males and females