Recovery 101

What is acceptance?

An opening of your heart to the realities of life and to the ways in which you have been impacted by your life choices. It means you don't fight against the realities of your life, but accept them for what they are and use them to grow as a person and move forward in life.


What is an example of a coping skill?

Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, therapy, calling a sober friend, and thinking of consequences are all examples of this useful tool in recovery.


True or False: Admitting that you did something wrong means you failed.



Our brain learns by by R_________ and R________?

Repetition and Reward


Identify 2 triggers

Driving by a Liquor store, Going to a bar, Hanging with friends that use, hearing a sad song


Who are those affected by substance use/abuse?

1. The user 2. Family 3. Children 4. Co-workers 5. Parents 6. Siblings 7. Friends 8. Community


A natural way to get in shape and increase feelings of happiness is to __________.



Who should be the most important person in your life?

Me, I am 


True or False: You burn more calories sleeping than watching TV



What is a trigger

Triggers can be internal (positive and negative feelings, physical conditions like thirst or hunger) and external (people, places, situations).


What does "Play the Full Tape Through" mean

A relapse prevention strategy that helps to prevent relapse. 


Daily Double: Name a benefit of having coping skills

Ability to decrease symptoms of depression or cravings, better management of emotions, better modd, improve self-esteem, etc.


To politely yet firmly stand up for yourself when facing a trigger or difficult situation is called this?

Assertiveness, Courage, Self-care


What are the consequences of alcoholism?

1. Lowered inhibitions 2. Decreased control over motor skills 3. Inability to concentrate and focus 4. Addition 5. Heart attack; stroke 6. Liver failure; cirrhosis 7. Kidney disease 8. Blackouts


Name 2 skills you have learned (either in treatment or on your own) to overcome cravings and triggers

... e.g. A sponsor, a relapse prevention plan, laughter, service, work, being with family, hobbies, etc.


Some high-risk situations to avoid are to not let yourself get to H.A.L.T.  What does H.A.L.T. stand for?

Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired


Name two of your coping skills



Name 2 positive stressors.

Meeting or engaging in a challenge, coming in first place in a race.  Getting a promotion at your job.  Love, marriage, or childbirth.  Riding a roller coaster.  The holidays.  Engaging in exercise, especially weight training.


When you ask for help, what does that mean?

You are brave, You want to change, you are being vulnerable (open, going beyond self)


What feelings can lead me to use or make irrational decisions 

  • anxiety
  • guilt
  • insecurity/self-loathing
  • bitterness
  • frustration
  • despair
  • Depression
  • Anger

What is Recovery ?

… being honest with myself

… being able to enjoy life without drinking or using drugs like I used to

… living a life that contributes to society, to your family or to your betterment

… being the kind of person that people can count on

… about giving back

… striving to be consistent with my beliefs and values in activities that take up the major part of my time and energy.


When feeling overwhelmed or over thinking, I can do this to help?

Practice Mindfulness: Being in the here and now

Grounding Technique:

5 – things you can see (you can look within the room and out of the window)

4 – things you can feel (the silkiness of your skin, the texture of the material on your chair, what does your hair feel like? What is in front of you that you can touch? A table perhaps?)

3 – things you can hear (traffic noise or birds outside, when you are quiet and actually listening things in your room constantly make a noise but typically we don’t hear them).

2 – things you can smell (hopefully nothing awful!)

1 – thing you can taste (it might be a good idea to keep a piece of chocolate handy


Negative self-talk What does "Stop the tape" mean

FInd coping tools to replace the negative talk in your head with positive thoughts. 


Identify a "Stinking Thinking" Thought 

I have to be perfect...

My life is not as messed up as theirs......

The only reason I lost my job was because my manager didn't like me....

I am better than them because... my DUI was reduced to a reckless driving. My life's not out of control like theirs , 


What is Euphoric Recall 

A psychological term for the tendency of people to remember past experiences in a positive light, while overlooking negative experiences associated with that event(s).   Wikipedia
