The number of hours a teenager should get each night.
What is 8-10 hours?
The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands.
What is stress?
Any movement that uses energy.
What is physical activity?
They say this is the most important meal of the day.
What is breakfast?
This board game allows you to buy property, build houses, and hotels.
What is monopoly?
"Ring, Ring," this device may keep you up late at night.
What is a cellphone?
One of the #1 (most common) symptoms of stress is...
What is a headache?
Physical activity helps you _____calories from the foods you eat.
What is burn?
The two food groups that should included in a healthy diet.
What are fruits and vegetables?
They call him the king of pop music.
Who is Michael Jackson?
The number of stages that the Sleep Cycle consists of.
What is five?
The psychological effect of stress that includes being sad, blue, unhappy, and miserable.
***Double Jeopardy***
What is depression?
At least how much physical activity should you get each day.
What is 30 minutes?
This nutrient helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, you can also get it from the sun.
What is Vitamin D?
Cinderella’s fairy godmother turns this into a carriage.
What is a pumpkin?
Beverages containing this stimulant, should be avoided prior to bedtime.
What is caffeine?
This occurs when you're stressed and your body prepares to fight or run away from a mental or physical threat.
What is fight or flight?
A gentle activity that prepares your body for exercise.
What is a warm-up?
For optimal health, it's important to balance exercise with...
What is a healthy diet?
An insect's antenna helps them to....
What is smell?
What is the stage of the sleep cycle in which people dream?
What is stage 5(REM stage)?
Positive stress is also known as_____.
What is Eustress?
People with a high______tend to burn calories faster.
Type 2 diabetes is most commonly linked to this...
What is obesity?
The largest land animal in the world
What is an elephant?