Nutritional Facts
Mental Health
Tips, Tricks & Trends
You're stressing me out, man

The suggested daily calorie intake for adults.

What is 2000 calories?


Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed every year since 1949 during this month.

What is May?

Cold recovery regimen gaining popularity, which involves ‘plunging’ as a way to reduce inflammation, soothe muscles, and boost mood

What is an ice bath or cold-water plunge?


This song is widely used to train medical professionals to administer the correct number of chest compressions per minute.  

What is Stayin’ Alive by Bee Gees?


The euphoric state triggered by long or intense bouts of exercise, often associated with running  

What is runner's high?


This is known as the "sunshine vitamin"

What is Vitamin D?


A CPA program providing confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees facing personal issues

What is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?


An alternative to meat has gained popularity for its environmental benefits and similar taste and textures.

What is Beyond Meat or Impossible Meat (will also accept plant-based meats)?


Fast-approaching deadlines may have you feeling like this song by Queen and David Bowie.

What is Under Pressure?


The technique of breathing in for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 4 seconds, and breathing out for 4 seconds is known as this 

What is box breathing?


Number of servings of vegetables you should eat each day  

What is at least 3 servings?


A day that an employee takes off from work in order to relieve stress or renew vitality

What is a "mental health day?"


Kim Kardashian stated she wasn’t a fan of this type of facial, which involves blood being drawn from the individual, separated, and the platelet-rich plasma being injected back into the skin or applied as a mask after microdermabrasion.

What is a vampire facial?


Taylor Swift preaches resiliency and copying in her #1 hit.

What is Shake If Off?


It's no joke that this infectious activity can produce positive short and long-term benefits for your body, like reducing tension, stimulating organs, improving the immune system, and relieving pain.

What is a laughter?


You should consume 64 oz of this a day

What is water?


A term first coined by Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard Business School, refers to the feeling of being able to speak up, take risks, and make mistakes without fear of negative consequences

What is psychological safety?


In 2008, American actress, Gwyneth Paltrow created a brand out of her kitchen promoting health and wellness that has been criticized for eyebrow-raising products and beauty regiments.

What is Goop?


The rapper, Logic, wrote the song 1-800-273-8255 resulting in this hotline receiving a 30% increase in calls the 3 weeks following the song’s release.

What is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline?


The long-term activation of this stress hormone can lead to many health problems like depression, anxiety, sleep problems, weight gain, and digestive problems? 

What is Cortisol? 


The average American consumes 66 pounds of this per year.

What is sugar?


As part of the State of Texas HealthSelect plans, these two options are available to schedule a virtual mental health visit  

What is MDLIVE or Doctor on Demand?


Mick Jagger was the first celebrity to be spotted wearing these which are claimed to help improve mood, regulate sleep, and ease depression, anxiety, chronic pain and seasonal affective disorder.

What are Light Therapy Glasses?


According to a research study analyzing over 142K songs found in gym/workout playlists, the most popular workout song is “Till I Collapse” by this Detroit-born rapper. 

Who is Eminem?


Used for centuries, it’s the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic benefit  

What is aromatherapy?
