Health 1
Health 2
Health 3
Health 4
Health 5
1. it is important to drink plenty of water before and during a heavy workout because keeping hydrated... a. helps you perspire more b. causes an electrolyte imbalance c. prevents you from perspiring d. prevents an electrolyte imbalance
What is D. prevents an electrolyte imbalance
2. which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about suicide? a. an attempt is usually just a way to get attention b. suicide is not a normal response to stress c. any talk of suicide should be taken seriously d. certain warning signs can indicate if a person is at risk
What is B. suicide is not a normal response to stress
5. someone who declines to become involved in a potentially stressful situation, such as a party where alcohol will be present, is managing stress through... a. refusal skills c. a relaxation response b. redirecting energy d. being resilient
What is A. refusal skills
7. which contributes to obesity? a. avoiding fast foods b.a sedentary lifestyle c. have excess muscle tissue d. a balance of high-fat foods in the diet
What is B a sedentary lifestyle
8. which of the following is responsible for more than 40% of all deaths in the United States each year? a. skin cancer c. lung cancer b. type 2 diabetes d. CVD
What is D CVD
9. the leading cause of blindness in adults is.. a. glaucoma c. complications of diabetes b. macular degeneration d. cataracts
What is C complications of diabetes
10. the agency responsible for enforcing laws that require both child's parents to help support the child is... a. Texas Department of Children's Welfare b. Office of the Attorney General of Texas c. Texas Tax Office D. Child Protective Services
What is B Office of the Attorney General of Texas
11. Paternity may be voluntarily established be agreement of both the mother and father of the child. The parents can sign a document which becomes legal finding of paternity when it is field with the Vital Statistics Unit of the Texas Stare Health Department. This document is a/an a. acknowledgement of paternity b. birth certificate c. lien d. parental notification
What is A. acknowledgement of paternity
14. Universal precautions include... a. wearing protective gloves b.not moving a victim if possible c. learning to give CPR d.checking the victim's pulse
What is a. wearing protective gloves
16. the most effective way a person can protect himself or herself from a disease on a daily basis is... a. hand washing c. not sharing cups and utensils b. avoiding sick people d. keeping immunizations current
What is a. hand washing
17. A pregnant female may harm her fetus by.. a. exercising moderately b. increasing her intake of folic acid c. avoiding caffeine d. gaining more than 35 pounds
What is d. gaining more than 35 pounds
18. an amniocentesis.. a. can show genetic abnormalities of the mother b. is performed after birth to check for PKU c. is used to treat genetic disorders such as hemophilia d. indicates weather the baby has a genetic disorder
What is d. indicates weather the baby has a genetic disorder
20. food choices made by people are NOT affected by... a. cultural and ethnic background c. hunger b. convenience d. family and friends
What is c. hunger
24. muscles that remain unused for a period of time will become... a. atrophied c. ossified b. torn d. toned
What is a. atrophied
25. all of the following prevent high blood pleasure EXCEPT... a. a diet low in sodium c. avoiding tobacco b. lack of exercise d. stress management
What is b. lack of exercise
27. tar contained in tobacco smoke is harmful to the lungs because it.. a. clogs the blood c. paralyzes cilia b. is a stimulant d. is addictive
What is c. paralyzes cilia
31. which of the following can result in damage sperm or sterility in males? a. monthly TSE b. contracting judgment c. use of anabolic steroids d. having irregular menstrual cycles
What is c. use of anabolic steroids
33. marijuana.. a. interferes with the immune system and may permanently damage it b. contains fewer cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco c. raises the level of testosterone in men d. enhances mental reflexes and short term memory
What is a. interferes with the immune system and may permanently damage it
42. which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about violence? a. some studies have found a direct correlation between engaging in violent behavior and having low self-esteem b. exposure to media violence my result in becoming desensitized to real violence c. few teen homicides involve firearms because it is hard for teens to gain access to firearms d. use of alcohol and other drugs can lead to violence behavior
What is c. few teens homicides involve firearms because it is hard for teens to gain access to firearms
46. over which of the following do you have the most control? a. feelings that are triggered by hormones b. how much attraction you feel for someone c. how you respond to sexual feelings d. the feelings of someone you like
What is c. how you respond to sexual feelings
55. the greatest influence on your relationships whith others is your.. a. honesty c. dependability b. mutual respect d. character
What is d. character
59. an unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group is.. a. tolerance c. lack of trust b. constructive criticism d. prejudice
What is d. prejudice
60. which is an example of constructive criticism? a. "I feel like I make all the decisions when we go out. next time, why don't you choose what we do together?" b. "I am sorry that I snapped at you when you called. I should learn to be more patient." c. "I'm sick and tired of listening to you whine. why don't you quit complaining and do something for once?" d. "You're wearing those weird shoes again. you really should get rid of those."
What is a. "I feel like I make all the decisions when we go out. next time, why don't you choose what we do together."
66. forms of manipulation include all of the following EXCEPT.. a. mocking or teasing another person b. bribery (promising money or favors) c. asking to barrow money d. making threats of violence against another person
What is c. asking to barrow money
69. nicotine contributes to plaque buildup in the blood vessels, increasing the chance of... a. lung cancer c. arteriosclerosis b. diabetes d. oral cancer
What is c. arteriosclerosis