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Our primary job is to produce x-rays of the patient for diagnostic purposes

What is a Radiology tech also called radiographer and x-ray tech? 


The years between 4000 BC and 3000 BC. During this time, people believed that illness was caused by supernatural beings.

What is the Primitive era?


Developed a system of heating and sealing to destroy dangerous microbes.

Who is Louis Pasteur?


The world's first pandemic

What is the Bubonic plague?


Help people rehabilitate from physical pain and injury to get as much normal, comfortable movement as possible.

What is a Physical Therapist?


Physicians were executed if their patients died while undergoing a new procedure. Conservative physicians were praised during this time. Imhotep became well-known for his medical care and is known as the first physician.

During the Egyptian period around 3000 BC 


Proved that all living things were made of cells

Who is Robert Hooke? 


The world's second pandemic

What is the black death? 


Professional artists who are trained not just in art, but in life sciences.

What is a medical illustrator? 


Widespread disease was an important factor in the sacking of Rome by barbarians and the subsequent fall of the Roman Empire. This led to the period known as

What are the Dark Ages?


Invented the microscope

Who is Anton van Leeuwenhoek?


Known as the Father of Medicine. He taught that disease was a result of natural causes, not supernatural punishment. The only way to cure disease was to observe the sick.

Who is Hippocrates? 


Also known as a crime scene investigator or CSI, assists in crime investigation by collecting and analyzing evidence in criminal investigations.

What is a forensic science technician?


Beginning around 800 AD, the Muslim Arab Empire started a medical revival. The Arabs’ vast knowledge of chemistry led to advancements in pharmacology, the study of medicines, and their uses. They also set up a system of hospitals with specialized wards for certain illnesses.

What is the middle ages?


A surgeon who developed methods of medical asepsis 

Who is Joseph Lister? 


Developed the field of anatomy by dissecting animals. He was the first to make a connection between medicine, biology, and the body

Who is Aristotle?


My duties include: Call physicians’ offices for refills and authorizations; count, mix, and compound medication; keep patient’s insurance information current in the system; labeling prescription bottles and verifying contents.

What is a pharmacy technician? 


Beginning around 1350, was a time of enlightenment. Europeans began to reject their commitment to religion, and they developed new ideas about science and the arts.

What is the Renaissance?


Discovered penicillin.

Who is Sir Alexander Fleming? 


Compared the human corpse to the human anatomy that Claudius Galen had described in his teachings. He published the first human anatomy book. 

Who is Andreas Vesalius?
