Government Agencies
Medical Facilities
Organizational Structure
Insurance I
Insurance II
Insurance Math

This government agency assures the safety of foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, biological products, and medical devices.

What is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?


______-______ _________ generally help in the care of senior populations.

What is an assisted living facility?

A health facility organizational structure will follow a _________________________. Where lines of authority are clearly indicated, and each employee understands their respective positions and who the immediate supervisor is in charge of their work.

Chain of Command


This healthcare program covers emplyess who are injured or die at work. It is funded through both the state and by the employee.

Worker's Compensation

What type of plan offers a discount if you stay in network but will also cover your medical costs if you go out of network?

What is a PPO?


You start a new job and the premium for your new health plan is $50 a pay period.  You get paid 26 times a year.  How much do you pay annually for health insurance?

What is $1300?


This government agency imposes safety and health legislation and standards to prevent injury, illness, and death in the workplace.

What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)?


This facility provides end-of-life care to patients expected to live 6 months or less.

What is Hospice?


There are 5 major service branches in health care. Each service has specialized departments.

This branch is involved in identifying a particular condition or disease with tools, like x-rays or blood tests.

Diagnostic Services - which include radiology, imaging, and lab 


This type of insurance requires members to pay a co-pay for medical services, and the member must get medical care from the physicians, labs, hospitals, etc., that agree to the fee. If a member gets care from outside the list, they will NOT be covered.

HMOs (Health Maintenaince Organization) type of insurance where you HAVE to go to the providers on list or you pay 100% out of pocket.


This is the percentage of a healthcare bill that is shared by the insured & the insurance company (hint: it kicks in after the deductible is met)

What is Co-insurance?


You have to go to your primary care doctor and you have a $25 copay.  He refers you to a specialist and you have a $50 copay for the specialist.  How much will you pay for these 2 visits?

What is $75?


This agency monitors and prevents disease outbreaks, including bioterrorism.

What is Center for Disease Control (CDC)?


This is the facility a person who no longer needs hospital care but is not ready to go home and needs additional rehabilitation and nursing services would go to?

What is a skilled nursing facility (SNF)?


There are 5 major service branches in health care. Each service has specialized departments.

Which branch provides direct patient care over time. Employees within this branch might be doctors or nurses

Therapeutic Services


This type of government-funded insurance is offered to people over age 65. 



This is a set fee for a particular service as determined by your insurance company. You always pay this fee, and the insurance company covers the remaining cost.

What is a Co-pay?


Your doctor sends you for an EEG.  The EEG tests costs $1400.  You have to pay a $500 deductible and then 20% coinsurance.  How much will this test cost you?

What is $680?






This agency is funded by the United Nations (UN) and is concerned with public health on a global scale. They monitor health trends across the world and assists nations in public health response & education.

What is the World Health Organization (WHO)?


This type of hospital provides care for special conditions or age groups, such as burn hospitals, children's hospitals, and psychiatric hospitals.

What is a Specialty Hospital?


Give one example of preventative care.

Wellness check-up, annual physical, well-baby care, immunizations, wellness education


This is a government funded healthcare program for active duty service members, retirees, and their families.



The amount of money you pay to an insurance company to have coverage

What is a premium?


You are trying to determine your annual costs of health care.  Your plan is $50 a pay period with 26 pay periods.  You have a $500 deductible and 20% coinsurance until you hit $4000.  You have 3 primary care visits that cost $100/each.  You do not need any specialty visits or testing.  How much will you pay?

What is $1600?






These are federally supported hospitals in the United States that provide care for veterans who served in the armed forces.

What is the Veteran's Administration (VA) Hospitals?


This is the type of facility you would visit if you wanted to be tested to find out if you carried any genetic material that could be passed on to a child.

What is a genetic counseling facility?


There are 5 major service branches in health care. Each service has specialized departments.

This branch is involved in billing, & documenting and keeping track of medical files.

Informational Services


People who are blind, disabled, or low income are generally able to get this government-funded kind of insurance.


Which of the following is NOT a provision of the Affordable care Act?

a. Requires insurance companies to disclose rate increases.

b. Gives tax incentives to employers for offering employee insurance plans.

c. Makes it so children can stay on their parents’ insurance until age 30.

d. Makes it illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions

What is c?

children can stay on their parents insurance until age 26


Billy has met all but $100 of his $1000 deductible. He gets into an accident and his hospital bills are $4,280. His coinsurance is 10/90 and his max out of pocket is $5000. What will he pay for this accident?


- $ 100 (deductible)

   $4180* 0.1 = $418 + 100 

He pays $518 total
