What is your favorite way to relax and why?
Ex: Reading, painting or playing a sport.
How much glasses of water should you drink daily?
at least 6...
This term refers to a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that lasts for weeks or longer.
What is depression?
This practice combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall well-being.
What is yoga?
Teenagers often use this form of communication, which has its own set of unwritten rules, to stay connected with friends.
What is social media or texting?
The first day of winter is December 21.
What is the first day of Winter.
This activity, known for reducing stress and improving mental health, involves focusing on your breathing and being present in the moment.
What is meditation?
How many hours do teens spend scrolling through social media
3-4 hours
The colorful food group is important for getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet.
What are fruits and vegetables.
school, friends, family,
MHYC stand for...
What is Meriden Healthy Youth Coalition.
What can improve both your mood and physical health with just 30 minutes a day?
What is exercise?
Frequent use of this substance, often believed to relieve stress or anxiety, can actually worsen symptoms of paranoia and depression.
What is marijuana?
Regularly expressing this emotion can lead to a greater sense of well-being and happiness.
What is gratitude?
This term describes the influence exerted by friends or acquaintances to encourage an individual to conform to certain behaviors or actions, often leading to choices that might not align with their personal values.
What is peer pressure?
This type of light, emitted by screens, can interfere with your sleep if used before bedtime
What is blue light
8-9 hours
This common issue, which can be exacerbated by substance use, involves excessive fear or worry about everyday situations.
What is anxiety?
Taking breaks and practicing this technique can help you avoid burnout during study sessions.
What is time management?
This social norm encourages teens to balance time spent online with face-to-face interactions to maintain healthy relationships.
What is digital detox or limiting screen time? Such as playing a sport, art or hanging out friends.
What is the Instagram handle for MHYC?
@rushford_prevention and @mmpcyouthprevention follow us!
This practice encourages teens to write down their thoughts and emotions daily, helping to reduce stress and improve mental clarity?
What is journaling?
How can you help a friend who is feeling sad or making risky choices?
Talk to them, tell their parent, a teacher, connect them to services.
What is self care?
Self-care refers to the practice of taking deliberate actions to maintain or improve one’s own health and well-being. It encompasses a range of activities and habits that contribute to physical, mental, and emotional health.
In many friend groups, this social rule emphasizes standing up for peers who are being picked on or mistreated.
What is showing support or standing up against bullying.