Blue Zone strategies
Yellow Zone strategies
Unhealthy coping strategies
True or False
Benefits of coping strategies

When in the blue zone, are you low energy or high energy? 

Low energy - sad, down, tired, sick, bored


When in the yellow zone, are you low energy or high energy?

High energy - anxious, scared, nervous, frustrated, irritated


Name 1 unhealthy coping strategy 

Yelling, hitting/punching, avoiding/running away, throwing things, gaslighting/blaming


You can change your thoughts as a coping strategy



What is a benefit of using a coping strategy when we are sad? 

We feel better


What are some strategies you can use before you start feeling hungry, tired, low energy?

Eat healthy and often enough, try to get enough sleep at night (put phone away, turn TV off) 


What is a strategy you can use if you are annoyed?

Walk away, alone time, distraction, doa pleasurable activity


What is a better coping strategy than biting their nails someone can use when they are nervous?

Distract themselves by doing an activity, mindfulness in the moment, talk to someone about it 


Exercise can be used as a strategy for blue zone feelings AND yellow/red zone feelings 

True - exercise helps you both to feel happier AND to calm down 


What is a benefit of using a coping strategy when you are frustrated?

Calm down and prevent us from entering the red zone (super angry)


What is a strategy you could use to feel happier when you are sad? 

Activities that bring us joy, changing our thoughts


What is a strategy you can use if you are mad?

Mindfulness, deep breaths, alone time/walk away, distraction with TV/game


Name an unhealthy coping strategy some people use when they are lonely

Unhealthy eating, talking to unknown people online, spending time with people who are a bad influence 


Talking to someone is a coping strategy that everyone likes to use 

False - some people don't like to talk things out HOWEVER talk therapy is a strategy that can help everyone if they engage in it to the fullest 


Why is taking deep breaths beneficial when you are angry?

It helps you to calm down and take a moment o think about what you need to do to feel better.  


What is a strategy you can use if you are tired or bored in school? 

Take a walk, get a drink of water, doodle, take a brain break to think about fun things you are looking forward to


Why should we use strategies when we are in the yellow zone?

To prevent us from getting to the red zone 


What happens when you do NOT use healthy coping strategies? 

You heighten/increase/prolong the negative feelings you are experiencing 


Mindfulness is a coping strategy that means we focus our attention on what we are sensing (seeing, hearing, feeling) in the moment 

True - mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment and helps take our focus off of negative thoughts


How does using healthy coping strategies help you have better relationships? 

You can regulate yourself better which helps you to interact more positively with others


What is a strategy you can use when you know you are in the blue zone but not sure what feeling you are experiencing? 

Journal about it, talk to someone, utilize feelings resources to identify feeling 


Identify a yellow zone coping strategy you would use at home vs. one you would use at school

at home - watch tv, play with a sibling, eat a healthy snack, play a video game

at school - put your head down, deep breaths, count to 10, squeeze your muscles and relax them


How can unhealthy coping strategies impact your relationships with other people?

People might not want to be around you if you are using unhealthy coping strategies, you might hurt people you care about 


Do you think that yelling and screaming at your friends or teacher would make you feel better when you are in the red zone?



Why is exercise beneficial to use as a coping strategy? 

It relieves stress/tension, and make you feel happier.
