TBI and Healthy Habits
Vitamins and Minerals

How many hours maximum per day should be spent on TV, computers or phones?   

2 hours


What mineral is highly concentrated in the brain, helps to reduce the inflammation associated with brain energy?

A) Folic Acid  

B) Fibre  

C) Vitamin B1 

D) Omega 3 fatty acid

Omega 3 is highly concentrated in the brain. Omega 3 nutrients are found in nuts, oil seed, salmon, flax seed, and chia seed.        


How many food groups should a healthy snack contain?

2 food groups 

fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy


What is the difference between the sugar found in sodas and the sugar found in 100% fruit juice or milk?

Soda contain added sugar, while 100% fruit juice and milk contains  natural sugar, in the form of fructose and lactose.             


What is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs?

A) Taking supplements 

b) Eating 

C) We naturally produce them



How many minutes per day should you be physically active?

60 minutes


What nutrient plays an important role in brain functioning?

A) Sodium 

B) Magnesium 

C) Iron 

D) Vitamin C





Magnesium plays a important role in brain functioning. In normal conditions magnesium inhibits the action of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Magnesium relaxes vascular smooth muscle, resulting vasodilation and increase blood flow in patient with TBI.                     


Which of the following is NOT a healthy snacking tip? 

A)Eat smaller portions 

B) Do not eat in front of the TV 

C) Choose low fat foods 

D) Eat fast so you do not feel too full

Eat fast so you do not feel too full The 6 snacking tips are as follows… 

Smaller portions, not front of the TV, am I really hungry?, choose low fat snacks from MyPlate, kitchen is a good place to snack, sit down, slow down, savor and enjoy.


What is a healthier alternative for sugary beverages like soda?

Water!!! Try adding lemon or other fruits and vegetables to spice it up!


Name two food sources that contain iron.

Dark green vegetables, cooked spinach, whole white bread, ragi, rice flakes, and sunflowers. Adequate iron intake has been proven improve brain function. 


This is the minimum weekly recommendation for aerobic exercise, in minutes.

150 min


List 3 foods that are high in saturated fat and sugar include.

  • Dairy products (butter, cream, milk, cheese etc…)
  • Fatty meat cuts such as ribeye steak or lamb chops
  • Processed meat (salami or sausages)
  • Sugary drinks

In general, you should avoid foods containing saturated fat and processed sugar. These foods can hamper neuroplasticity. 


Snack foods and commercially prepared foods often contain a lot of this mineral and are best eaten sparingly.

Sodium. Salt helps prevent spoiling and brings out the flavors in foods. We should limit our sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams/day.


How many teaspoons are in a medium (20 ounce) soda?

17  teaspoons    


This mineral plays an important role in memory formation and cognitive stability. 


Foods high in zinc such as wheat germ, bran cereal, red meat, liver, and sea food. 


How many muscles are in human body?

About 600


On the Nutrition Facts Label, the Percent Daily Values are based on a person consuming how many total calories per day?

2000 calories per day


If a snack food is fat-free or low-fat, what might have been added to it to increase flavor?

Sugar is used in place of the fat, adding more calories to food.


Which type of milk has the most protein, vitamins and minerals?

A) Skim (Fat free)


C) They have same amount         




They have the same amount. 

Lower fat milk contains the same amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein as whole milk. Whole milk simply contains more saturated fat and calories.                     


This mineral prevents build up of blood, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Folic Acid

Helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke also can lower levels of serotonin levels in brain. Found in food liver, yeast, asparagus, beans, peas, broccoli and nuts. 


What are the three main categories of physical activity?



Strength Training


Our brains use _______ of our daily calories.

 20%! Someone sustains a brain injury, need to be eating enough calories to help the brain function well. If a person doesn’t get enough of certain nutrients in their diet, it can limit brain recovery and function. Our brains need amino acids, protein, omega 3 fats, vitamins and minerals, and many other nutrients to keep our brains working well.   


True or false, popcorn is a good snack because you can eat large amounts of it while consuming little calories?  



Which options best to consume instead of real sugar soda when considering weight loss?

A) Diet Soda

B) Low sugar 

C) Neither  

Neither! Studies to date have shown that switching to diet drinks doesn’t result in weight loss.  Even worse, many show that the opposite happens; drinking diet soda and other artificially sweetened drinks is associated with gaining weight.  The conclusion of several studies is that artificial sweeteners make you hungry.  So, although the diet drinks have no or fewer calories, they make you hungry and you eat more food. 


List 5 food rich in anti oxidants.

Whole wheat bread, vegetables, fruit, pasta, beans, blueberries, avocado, and pomegranate. 

Foods with rich anti oxidants have been found to boost memory and keeping battle of Alzheimer's. These food affect the production of brain chemicals that help patients to feel calm. 
