name a Veggie?
cucumber, broccoli, carrot, etc.
What is a healthy alternative for chocolate?
Dark chocolate
Healthy eating is consuming the right amounts of food and types of food in order to maintain a _______ _______.
Healthy Lifestyle
Where can serving sizes be found?
On the back of the box
What's considered a fruit?
all fruits and 100% fruit juice
What does your body feel when hungry?
stomach growing, stomach ache, low energy, head ache
name a dairy product?
cheese, yogurt, milk
How can you tell you are full?
no longer hungry, stomach no longer hurts
Name a grain?
Bread, noodle, rice
Why do people over eat?
After a certain point, people do not realize that they are no longer hungry, but continue to eat.
Name a Protein
meat, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts
What is portion control?
Portion control is limiting the amount of food you intake to the recommended serving