Why is it not good to eat too much sugar?
Too much sugar can lead to weight gain, acne, type 2 diabetes, cavities and can increase your risk of several serious medical conditions such as heart disease or stroke.
Name one way to have healthy hygiene?
Is it okay to eat junk food or fast food?
Eating fast food once in a while should not affect anyone as long as they have a balanced diet rich in whole foods besides that one time
Why is it not good to eat too much salt?
It can give you high blood pressure. High blood pressure is bad because it can cause blockages in your arteries and lead to a stroke
Does exercise help with mental health?
Yes. It can help boost our mood, concentration and alertness. It has also been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, and lower overall feelings of stress.
Name a food that contains healthy fats?
nuts, seeds, avocado, fish, vegetable oil, soft margarine, soy products such as tofu
Which mineral is good for strong bones and teeth?
How to prevent tooth decay or cavities?
Eating a healthy diet, avoiding sugar sweetened drinks, drinking plenty of water, brushing your teeth twice a day using toothpaste, and flossing once a day.
Why drinking water is so important?
Fruit and vegetables give you important nutrients such as...
fiber, vitamins and minerals
Name two ways to exercise
Go for a walk or run, Ride a bike, Go to the gym, Swimming, Dancing, Walking stairs... etc.
How many minutes should we exercise per day?
Adults should exercise 30 minutes per day or 2.5 hours per week.
Which color of vegetables contain lots of Vitamin A?
Orange vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, sweet potato's, red/orange peppers, butternut squash)
Whole Grain foods contain lots of fiber. Eating foods higher in fiber can help lower your chances of which health risks?
Stroke, colon cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes
Is watching excessive TV everyday is a good habit? Why or why not?
1. Excessive TV watching can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, and other health issues.
2. Prolonged screen time can strain your eyes and disrupt your sleep patterns, especially if you're watching TV late at night.