Describe a way that you take care of your body at school or at home.
Answers can vary (the first person to say something gets the points)
What is mindfulness?
Being present and in the moment, and being aware of what is happening inside of you and around you.
What is the recommended amount of physical activity that elementary students should get every day?
60 minutes
What is the sport that 15-LOVE is known for?
What does the "S" in STEM stand for?
How often should you brush your teeth everyday?
2 times per day
What happens when you have a lot of things on your plate and your get overwhelmed with tasks at home or school?
You get stressed.
What happens to your heart rate when you engage in exercise or physical activity?
What is the name of the person in charge of Healthy Futures?
What does the "T" in STEM stand for?
Why is it important to wash your clothes after you wear them?
To get rid of any dirt or germs that collect on them from being at school, the park, or any after school activities.
When you are dedicated and care a lot about something, you are ____________ (hint: the word starts with an M)
True or False: Exercise only improves your physical health
False! It also can help improve your mental health and overall well-being.
Name a 15-LOVE tennis coach
Answers may vary (if you say a correct name you get the points)
What does the "E" in STEM stand for?
What is one of the 6 nutrients our bodies need to be healthy and function properly?
Possible Answers:
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Minerals, Vitamins, Fats, Water
What is one of the 7 pillars of self-care?
Possible answers:
Knowledge & Health Literacy, Mental Well-Being, Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, Risk Avoidance, Good Hygiene, Rational use of products & services.
True or False: Overtraining/over-exercising is good for you
False! Too much exercise can cause muscle strains, stress fractures, and can negatively damage your mental health if you become too attached to exercising all the time. Always remember to exercise in moderation, and don't go past your limits!
Who said this quote? "Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can."
Arthur Ashe
What does the "M" in STEM Stand for?
Why should you eat a diversity of colorful foods in your diet?
Each color provides different benefits for your body!
How can you encourage your community to practice mindfulness and self-care?
Answers can vary.
Name one way that you try to stay physically active.
Answers can vary.
Name one of the summer reading/gardening instructors (other than Miss Anjalee).
Caroline, OR Maggie, OR Florinda
True or False? All living things are made up of cells.