Engage in conscious breathing exercises for a few minutes daily and learn how to breathe properly
slowly reduce all your overall daily screen time (phones and monitors)
Reduce screen time
Practice meditation in the morning and or the evening
interact with your friends and family in the real world more often
Interact face to face
Maintain a list of things you’re interested in learning ,doing or exploring .
Follow your interests
Establish a mindful morning stretching routine to open and loosen the body
Morning stretch
Ground yourself outside multiple times each day walk barefoot outside on the earth whenever you can
Walk barefoot
Pay more attention to your emotional state especially when interacting with others
Evaluate your emotions
Make a habit of relating to those in your inner circle with others
Maintain eye contain
Set mini goals for yourself
Set mini goals
Go for at least one daily walk outside. Be mindful of your surrounding.
get in the habit of quieting your mind in the morning and multiple times throughout the day
Settle your mind
if you tend to take yourself and life to seriously habitually lighten your mood
Lighten up
Make a habit of listening to to others as intently as possible
Improve listening skills
Establish a routine of reading books for 30 minutes every morning or evening.
Read daily
Establish a daily routine that you enjoy
Working out
let go of the past
Practice letting go
capture your innermost thoughts, attitudes and desires to help build emotional intelligence
Keep a daily journal
Stay more present when communicating with your spouse and family
Communicate with mindfulness
practice martial arts or basic self defense mover
Train in martial arts
Drink more pure water (drink more pure water and less sugar based and caffeinated beverage)
passively accepting beliefs as facts weakens the mind. Critical thinking helps strengthen cognition
Practice critical thinking
learn how to periodically release suppressed and repressed emotions
Release emotions
Share information with others willingly
Share willingly
Learn to draw with t the right side of your brain