Nutrition & Exercise
Screen Time

How much water should you drink each day?

On average, we need 6-8 (eight-ounce) cups every day. This number may change depending on our body weight and age. 


True or False. Waking up and going to bed at the same time every day is an example of a healthy sleeping habit.



What hygiene activity should you do 2 times per day?

Brush your teeth! This can help prevent bad breath and health issues including tooth decay, cardiovascular disease, and periodontal disease (gum disease)


In your own words, how do you define "screen time"? 

Any time spent looking at a phone, television, computer/iPad, or game consul 


Billy has had a difficult time staying awake during the day. He typically makes poor food choices, smokes marijuana, and stays up late playing video games. What are at least 2 lifestyle changes Billy should make? 

-Eating foods that are low sugar/fat

-Create a sleep schedule

-Form a morning/evening routine 


-Decrease screen time

-Decrease marijuana consumption 

-Find other hobbies 


True or false. Hydration needs should always be the same regardless of how much physical activity you do in a day.

False! The more physical activity you do, the more you sweat. This means we need to hydrate more to replenish the liquid that was lost. 

How many hours of sleep should you get each night if you are between the ages of 13-18?

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, teenagers between 13-18 years old should get 8-10 hours of sleep. Children between 6-12 years of age should get 9-12 hours of sleep.


Give an example of a morning routine

Wake up, make coffee, eat breakfast, shower, brush teeth, get dressed 


Name 2 ways you can decrease your screen time

1. Only have specific times when you look at screens

2. Spend more time outside or doing a hobby

3. Sleep with your phone outside of your room 


Maggie just started a new job and has a lot of big events coming up on different dates. She is feeling extremely unorganized and overwhelmed. What can she do to help in this situation?

-Use a planner, calendar, and phone reminders to stay organized

-Make a to-do list

-Write reminders on sticky notes 


What is 1 thing you should avoid eating and 1 thing you should eat for breakfast?

Avoid eating sugary foods (cereal, pancakes, poptarts)

Better options: eggs, toast with peanut butter, fruit, yogurt

Avoid not eating anything!


Give two examples of ways you can prepare your room for restful sleep.

1. Dim the lights

2. Make the sleeping space cool and quiet

3. Use a fan for white noise 

4. Play soft, calming music

5. Read before bed


What is an easy way to keep track of your daily routine and schedule?

Use a planner, calendar, put reminders in your phone, sticky note reminders


What are 2 basic physical health effects of too much screen time?

1. Headache

2. Backache

3. Obesity

4. Cardiovascular disease

5. High blood pressure

6. Increased stress levels 


Frank is the youngest sibling out of 5. When he gets home from school, his family immediately sits on the couch to watch TV. Most family members scroll through their phone and tend to eat dinner at different times while seated on the couch. What is something Frank could do in this situation?

-Voice that he wants to have a family meal together

-Eat dinner at the table

-Have a "NO PHONE" rule during mealtime 

-Try to participate in a family activity/game instead of watching TV


How much exercise should you get every day and what is 1 way you can workout while at JDC?

At least 30 minutes

-Use the gym wisely for basketball, football, volleyball, walking, etc.)

-Push-ups, sit-ups, squats


True or false. Getting enough sleep can help boost your immune system.

True! A lack of sleep can make us sick. 


True or false. It is OK to skip a day of medications.

False! It's important to take medications as prescribed by your doctor. If you skip a dose or wait too long to take the next dose, the amount of medication in your body can decline and not work as well. If you take your medication too often, the amount in your body could get too high, which could cause serious health problems.


How does excessive screen time negatively affect mental health?

1. Decrease self esteem

2. Increased anxiety and depression 


John is a 15-year-old who works at Sonic. He lives in a town that does not have access to healthy food. On a typical day, he eats chips, candy, and fast food from his work. If he continues to consume these foods, he will be at risk for serious health issues. What is 1 thing he could do in this situation? 

-Reach out to a teacher, church, organization, or other person who could help support him (Backpack program, Banquet, food drives)

-Save his money to purchase quality foods

-Research simple healthy recipes that may be low-cost (Ex. Peanut butter, trailmix, dried fruit, plain popcorn)


True or false. It is impossible to drink too much water.

False. Water toxicity can occur if we drink too much water too quickly. This can cause low blood sodium which can be dangerous. 


Name 2 things to avoid before going to bed

1. Eating (2-4 hours before bedtime)

2. Caffeine/Alcohol (minimum of 6 hours before bedtime) 

3. Electronics (phone, TV, computer)


Name 2 coping skills you can incorporate into your daily routine.

1. Listen to music

2. Go for a walk

3. Journal, write down what you are thankful for

4. Talk to someone

5. Deep breathing

6. Go do an activity you love! 


What is the average amount of screen time teenagers spend on their phone each day?

7-9 hours per day


Jenny has been struggling with her mental health. She spends the majority of her time sleeping or scrolling through social media. When she is awake, she consumes a hefty amount of caffeine to get through the day. Her friends are starting to get worried about her because Jenny has started isolating herself. What are 2 lifestyle changes Jenny should make?

Bonus: 100 points-What are 2 coping strategies Jenny could try to improve her mental health? 

1. Exercise regularly

2. Decrease screen time/limit social media

3. Form a sleep schedule

4. Go outside and get fresh air 

Bonus: Journal, talk to someone, go for a walk, deep breathing, join a support group
