Harmful Effects
Short & Long-term Effects
Short & Long-term Effects
Mixed Bag
Recovery & Getting Help

What are the effects of alcohol on the liver?

The liver breaks down most of the alcohol you drink so that it can be removed from the body. This process creates substances that are more harmful than alcohol. Large amounts of these substances can damage liver cells and cause serious liver disease. Alcohol causes 4 out of 5 deaths from liver disease.


What does alcohol do to your reaction time?

Alcohol use affects reaction time is several ways: thought processes, emotional responses, and motor coordination are all affected. The slowing of the CNS can lead to: Slowed reaction time. Impaired vision (blurred vision, reduced peripheral vision)


What are the long term effects of binge drinking?

In the long term, binge drinking may result in any of the long-term effects of alcohol consumption, such as heart disease, cancer, liver cirrhosis and diabetes.


What are the four "C's" of addiction?

  • Craving
  • loss of Control of amount or frequency of use
  • Compulsion to use
  • use despite Consequences.

What is the name of the physical process of stopping addiction.

Withdrawal:  is a set of symptoms that can occur following a reduction in alcohol use after a period of excessive use. Symptoms typically include anxiety, shakiness, sweating, vomiting, fast heart rate, and a mild fever. 


What are the effects of alcohol on the brains functioning?

Alcohol interferes with the brain's communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and works. Alcohol makes it harder for the brain areas controlling balance, memory, speech, and judgment to do their jobs, resulting in a higher likelihood of injuries and other negative outcomes  


What is alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning is a serious — and sometimes deadly — result of drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. Drinking too much too quickly can affect breathing, heart rate, body temperature and gag reflex. In some cases, this can lead to a coma and death.


What are long-term risks and effects of drinking on mental health?

The long term effects of alcohol on the central nervous system are widespread. You may suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or even trauma-related issues. Drinking too much for too long can lead to unhealthy sleeping and eating patterns and impaired concentration.


Describe tolerance.

A person with tolerance requires a higher BAC than a nontolerant person to experience some of the same effects.  Basically, tolerance means that your body is suppressing its normal responses to toxins.  So you’re less likely to vomit, pass out, etc.

  • Ability to stand, walk, speak without slurring, etc may change with tolerance.
  • Reaction time and peripheral vision do not improve with tolerance.
  • BAC and the rate at which you metabolize alcohol do not change with tolerance.

What term is used for when a person stops maintaining their goal of reducing or avoiding use of alcohol or other drugs and returns to their previous levels of use. 



What type of drug is alcohol?

Alcohol is a depressant drug, which means it slows down the messages travelling between the brain and body


What are some short term effects of alcohol use?

Potential short-term effects of alcohol include hangover and alcohol poisoning, as well as falls and accidents, conflict, lowered inhibitions and risky behaviours.


What are the signs of alcohol poisoning?

  • disorientation or confusion
  • passing out, not being able to be woken up
  • slow, irregular breathing
  • bluish or pale, cold, clammy skin
  • slowed heart rate
  • vomiting while passed out. 

This medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences.

Alcohol Use Disorder

List three places where support for alcohol use, misuse, abuse, addiction can be accessed in our local community.

Alcoholics Anonymous (online & in-person

Smart Recovery (online & in-person)

Rideauwood Addiction & Family Services


The Royal - your care team :)

Sandy Hill Community Health Centre


What is the amount of alcohol you can have until you are legally intoxicated.



True or False: Alcohol consumption can negatively impact dietary/nutritional health.  Explain.

Malnutrition is very possible.  Excessive alcohol consumption can satisfy caloric requirements, but easily leads to malnutrition and anemia. Although alcohol in small doses is an appetite stimulant, larger amounts suppress hunger, which doubly deprives the body of nutrients. 


Conscious or unconscious constraint of a process or behaviour, especially of impulses or desires.

What are inhibition's.


What is physical dependence?

When a substance has been taken for a while, the body has come to rely on it to feel normal.  The body becomes so used to functioning with the drug in the system, so if the drug isn’t taken, withdrawal symptoms will start to appear.


The process and series of steps a person takes to make life better on multiple dimensions: physical, mental and spiritual well-being, a sense of purpose and connection, the ability to contribute in a meaningful way and more.

What is Recovery


What are some reasons why people consume alcohol?

People drink for many reasons: to celebrate, socialise, commiserate or drown our sorrows. Some may drink to try and change their mood, to numb out pain from traumatic past, to lessen symptoms of mental illness, to feel more relaxed, courageous or confident. However, the effect of alcohol is only temporary.


What is it called when you drink too much alcohol in a short period of time.



Scarring (fibrosis) of the liver caused by long-term liver damage. The scar tissue prevents the liver from working properly. Also sometimes called end-stage liver disease because it happens after other stages of damage from conditions that affect the liver, such as hepatitis.

What is cirrhosis.


What is the difference between alcohol abuse vs alcoholism?

Alcohol abuse, also called problem drinking, occurs when drinking alcohol becomes an issue that creates negative consequences for a person. Alcoholism, medically known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), occurs when a person has formed a mental reliance on (addiction to) and/or a chemical dependency on alcohol.


A temporary slip, failure or break in continuity of abstinence is called.....

What is a lapse.
