You need to drink 7 to 8 cups of this liquid to stay healthy. Also known as H2O
A salad made with many cut up fruits
Fruit Salad
This is a fruit. It comes in various colors, mainly red or green. Some are sweet and some are tart. People go pick them from a tree in the Autumn.
Deep breathing: taking a breath for 4 seconds, holding for 4 seconds, and breathing out for 5 seconds is one way to ...
Calm your body and mind
This juice protects your heart and brain as you age
Apple Juice
You can have these scrambled, poached, over easy, over medium, or hard boiled.
This is a vegetable and is usually orange. Rabbits usually like to snack on these as well. They can be used in a stew or even put in a salad.
Taking the time to leave the situation and take a stroll in a different environment to think and breathe. It is also known as going for a _________.
You usually drink this with breakfast. It has a fun color.
Orange Juice
These are made from oats. Some like to put fruits, spices, milk, or honey in theirs.
These are dried up grapes that you can enjoy with your cereal, oatmeal or salad.
Reading, taking a bath, taking a walk, exercise, listening to music, playing with a pet, working on a craft/hobby can all be excellent ways to reduce stress. True or False.
They are made of fruits such as strawberries, bananas, mangos, etc. Some put milk, juice or yogurt. Some might even put kale or spinach in theirs.
Made from eggs and milk. You can fill this with cheese, spinach, tomatoes, garlic, peppers, onions, ham, sausage, and many other items.
This is a type of circular shaped cereal that is good for your heart. If you do not add milk or sugar, they make a great healthy snack on the go.
If you are being bullied, name one thing you can do:
Tell the bully it is not okay.
Tell someone you trust.
Leave the situation.
Know that it is not your fault.
Call 911 if the situation is very dangerous.
A TV commercial says this healthy drink " does a body good"
What is Milk
Name three breakfast proteins
Eggs, yogurt and nuts
This long, crunchy and stringy vegetable can be enjoyed by itself or with cream cheese, cheese whiz or peanut butter. It makes for a delicious and healthy snack.
Staying connected to people who make you feel good about yourself and avoiding people who make you feel bad about yourself is a good way to build on self-esteem and cope with problems. True or False.