Physical Exercise
Mental Health

How many hours of sleep should teenagers get per night?

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that children aged 6–12 years should regularly sleep 9–12 hours per 24 hours and teenagers aged 13–18 years should sleep 8–10 hours per 24 hours.


What is a healthier substitue for sugar?

Honey, Stevia, monk-fruit, dates


Name 2 benefits of physical exercise

Improve cardiovascular respiratory system, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity 


How long should you wash your hands/sanitize for?

20 seconds


Name 3 symptoms of depression:

Feelings of despair, hopelessness, isolation, loss of interest in activities that used to be joyful, fatigue, sleeping too much/too little, irritability 


What behaviors contribute to difficulty falling sleeping?

Media Usage (cell phone, watching TV, social media) 

Technology usage before bed distracts you, keeps you awake, stimulates your brain and delays REM sleep.

Exposure to blue light can affect your internal body clock and throw off your circadian rhythm. Research has found a correlation between suppressed levels of melatonin and exposure to blue light. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for controlling your sleep-wake cycle. When your body runs low on it, you can experience insomnia, tiredness during the day and irritability.


Which 4 categories of food should you have on your plate?

Fruits, vegetables, grain and protein


What are some daily habits you should be engaging in?

Brushing teeth, showering daily, deodorant, washing your face, changing clothes/under garmets


What are some healthy daily habits teenagers should be engaging in?

Brushing teeth, showering daily, deodorant, washing your face, changing clothes/under garments, exercise, eating healthy, good sleep 


True of False: Addiction in not a disease

False, addiction is a disease. Addiction disrupts regions of the brain responsible for reward, motivation, learning, judgment, and memory. Addiction damages the physical body and overall life functioning.


Lack of sleep is associated to which mental health problems?

Depression, anxiety, psychosis, can trigger mania 


Diets that include excess sugar and processed foods are linked to an increase in:

Psychological stress, symptoms of anxiety, symptoms of depression, obesity, heart disease


How many steps should teens walk a day?

7,900 ** -9,500 *


What causes body odor?


True or False: Medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems

False-Medication does not outright cure mental illness. However, it may help with the management of symptoms. Medication paired with psychotherapy is the most effective way to promote recovery.


Name 3 healthy sleep habits:

Going to bed at the same time everyday/bedtime routine, NOT hitting the snooze button, meditating before bed, no light or tech usage before bed, no caffeine before bed


What percentage of healthy fats should teenagers be consumer?

Teenagers should consume between 25 and 35 percent of their total daily calories from fat. Healthy fats (unsaturated fats). Good sources of unsaturated fat include vegetable oils, fish, olives, avocados, nuts and seeds. These fats are good for your heart, your cholesterol, and your overall health. Adding more of these healthy fats to your diet may also help to make you feel more satisfied after a meal, reducing hunger and thus promoting weight loss.


What chemical is released in your brain during/after exercise?

Endorphins, serotonin, dopamine noradrenaline


What part of the hand is commonly missed when washing your hands?



What does DEARMAN stand for?

Describe, express, ask, reward/reinforce, mindful, appear confident, negotiate


What are symptoms are associated with poor sleep?

Irritability, anxiety, brain fog, weight gain, fatigue, poor concentration, memory problems, paranoia, hallucinations, mood change, increased blood pressure, constipation, weakens immune system


How many ounces of water should you be consuming a day?

64-88 ounces


How often should teenagers engage in physical exercise?

20 minutes 3 days a week per the American Heart Association


What is the place at your school that has the most germs?

Water fountain 


What are things you can do to increase overall well-being?

Therapy, Exercise, meditation, mindfulness, gratitude, altruism, healthy eating, socializing with positive peers, healthy communication skills