This vegetable is made up of 96% water.
What is a cucumber?
You always do this before start a sport or exercise to prevent injuries.
What is warm up?
This allows you to adapt to unexpected challenges and find alternative ways to achieve your goal?
What is being flexible or adaptable?
This range of hours is how much sleep a teenager should get.
What is 8-10 hours
Not using this outside cause you to age prematurely, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and even skin cancer.
What is wearing sunscreen?
Half of your daily grains should be this type of grain.
What is whole grain?
Youths between the age of 12 and 17 are recommended to do this much moderate-vigorous activity per day.
What is 1 hour?
Visualization means to do this when trying to stay motivated.
What is seeing or picturing yourself achieving your goals?
This is the recommended maximum amount of screen time per day.
What is no more than 2 hours?
Having this on a regular schedule helps regulate your body’s internal clock.
What is a regular sleep schedule?
This type of eating is when people consume food to manage boredom, distress, or other uncomfortable emotions.
What is 'emotional' or 'binge' eating.
Regular heavy weight training can improve this.
What is muscular strength?
This is someone who can provide support, encouragement, and hold you responsible for your commitments.
What is an accountability partner or coach?
Reading this allows you to compare nutritional information and choose healthier options.
What is food labels?
Doing this can help you monitor and maintain overall health, catch potential issues early, and receive preventive care
What is going for regular check-ups with a healthcare provider?
The average person should eat this many calories daily.
What is 2,000 calories?
Exercise releases this chemical in the brain, resulting in feelings of exhilaration and happiness.
What is Endorphins?
The S.M.A.R.T goal analogy stands for this.
What is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-oriented?
Bacteria build up in these areas of the body, so keeping them clean is especially important.
Armpits, groin, and between the toes.
Practicing this regularly can increase happiness and overall life satisfaction and appreciation.
What is gratitude?
These are the six PRIMARY nutrients.
What are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water?
It is estimated that 10 minutes of jumping rope has the same benefit as jogging for this long.
What is 30 minutes?
The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is this.
What is being motivated with an internal drive to do something because it is interesting, enjoyable, or satisfying, rather than for an external reward?
Choosing this type of food over processed foods is important because these foods are more nutrient-dense, contain fewer added sugars, unhealthy fats, and preservatives, and provide more vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
What is whole foods?
Doing this helps ensure you have healthy options available and can prevent impulsive, unhealthy eating.
What is meal prepping?