Green Flags
Red Flags
Healthy Relationships
True or False
True or False: If your partner doesn't laugh at your jokes or introduce you to his/her family, means that your relationship is abusive.
If your partner becomes jealous when he/she sees you around other people, you should be concerned.
Yes. This isn't a huge deal, but you should talk to him/her about it, because it may lead to abuse in the future.
True or False: Boys are just as likely to be abused as girls
True or False: 9 in every 10 people who have an abusive relationship, will call the cops, or tell someone.
True or False: 7% of middle school students will call the police if they are in an abusive relationship.
Is it ok if your partner doesn't introduce you to his/her family until a few months after your relationship starts?
Yes. In fact, that is a good time to introduce him/her to your family.
name on red flag
Any of these: your partner; 1.makes decisions with little or no input from you, 2.forbids you from seeing, saying, or doing certain things, 3.argues with you over everything, 4.attempts to blame you for every argument he/she starts, 5.stays angry with you for a long time, often over small things, 6.puts you down 7. abuses you, verbally, physically, or emotionally 8. Accuses you of being jealous when he/she openly flirts with other people 9. Refuses to spend time with your friends and family, and insists that you spend time with his/hers 10. He/She acts as if you aren't there and openly talks down about you
True or False: Middle school and High school students are the only ones to experience dating violence.
False: Anyone in a relationship, no matter how old, can experience dating violence.
True or False: 60% of all relationships in the U.S are abusive.
False, abusive relationships, though still a problem, are becoming less and less.
True or False: In a survey done in 2005, 30% of the girls in a relationship said their boyfriend threatened violence if they broke up.
How many green flags in a relationship are there
About 15
It's ok for you and your partner to argue.
Yes, but only occasionally, not all the time.
Why do people stay in an abusive relationship? A. Because their dad told them to B. Because their friends will laugh at them if they break up C. Because they feel it is their fault, and they have to make it up somehow D. Because "Elmo told me that I should never hurt someone's feelings, ever, no matter what the reason"
True or False: 90% of people in an abusive relationship don't know their in an abusive relationship.
True or False: If your partner yells at you, or gets very frustrated with you, it is a sign that always says "time to find someone else".
False, just because he/she argues with you a little bit, doesn't mean you need to leave him/her.
True or False: If you don't get along with your partner's family, you should leave him/her.
False. As long as the relationship between the two of you is going smoothly, you don't need to leave him/her.
name 2 red flags in a relationship
Any of these; your partner; 1.makes decisions with little or no input from you, 2.forbids you from seeing, saying, or doing certain things, 3.argues with you over everything, 4.attempts to blame you for every argument he/she starts, 5.stays angry with you for a long time, often over small things, 6.puts you down 7. abuses you, verbally, physically, or emotionally 8. Accuses you of being jealous when he/she openly flirts with other people 9. Refuses to spend time with your friends and family, and insists that you spend time with his/hers 10. He/She acts as if you aren't there and openly talks down about you
Is it true that people who are in a violent relationship are often time beat up?
No, because just because a relationship is violent, doesn't always mean physically violent. It could be emotionally, or mentally violent too.
what percent of people would call the cops if they were in an abusive relationship?
A survey done in 2002 found that 7% of people would call the cops.
True or False: In an abusive relationship, your partner will always be violent.
False, they may only yell at you or put you down, they don't always hurt you
Name 10 green flags.
Feeling good about yourself, laughter, outside friends and interests, good manners, introduces you to his/her family, shows you he/she cares, passionate about each other, communicating about activities, respect, and trust
Name 10 red flags
your partner; 1.makes decisions with little or no input from you, 2.forbids you from seeing, saying, or doing certain things, 3.argues with you over everything, 4.attempts to blame you for every argument he/she starts, 5.stays angry with you for a long time, often over small things, 6.puts you down 7. abuses you, verbally, physically, or emotionally 8. Accuses you of being jealous when he/she openly flirts with other people 9. Refuses to spend time with your friends and family, and insists that you spend time with his/hers 10. He/She acts as if you aren't there and openly talks down about you
Why do people in a violent relationship not tell anybody?
Because their partner usually threatens violence
True or False: The girl in a relationship is the one being abused 90% of the time.
False, it is just as likely for the boy.
True or False: If your partner abuses you, it is usually physically
False. It is just as likely to be emotional or verbal.