Your partner keeps you away from friends, family, or other people
Trust is when you are confident that your partner won't do anything to hurt you or ruin the relationship
Your partner expresses extreme feelings and over-the-top behavior that feels overwhelming
What is intensity?
Fun is when you can't stand to be around your partner and you bring out the worst in each other
What is false?
Your partner tries to control your decisions, actions, or emotions
What is manipulation?
Respect is when you value one another's beliefs and opinions, and love one another for who you are as a person
Your partner tries to purposely ruin your reputation, achievements, or success
What is sabotage?
Independance is when you have space to be yourself outside of the relationship
What is true?
When someone does and says something to make you feel bad about yourself
What is belittling?
Honesty is when the relationship is moving at the speed that feels enjoyable to each person
What is false?
(Right answer is "Comfortable Pace")