Relationship Types
Healthy or Unhealthy?
Technology & Relationships

What are some qualities of a healthy relationship? Name at least THREE.

Trust, respect, honesty, kindness, generosity, boundaries, privacy, consent, the management of conflict, reconciliation and the respectful ending of relationships.


Seth has been struggling with his mental health a lot lately, and ends up failing his math test. He decides to tell his teacher what he’s been going through, and his teacher offers him a rewrite and helps set up an appointment with the school guidance counsellor.



What does it mean to pause before you post?

Before you post, ask yourself the following questions:

Is this how I want people to see me?

• Does this post reflect who I am and what I value?

• How would I feel if this post was shared with others?

• What are the positives about posting? What about the negatives?

• Would I be okay with someone seeing this in the future (5, 10, or 20 years later)?


What are the four communication styles?

-Passive Aggressive


What are some qualities of an unhealthy relationship? Name at least THREE.

Lying, cheating, jealousy, and disrespect are signs of an unhealthy relationship. So is trying to control a partner.


Your partner/friend gets angry when you talk to your family. What type of relationship is this?



What is Cyberbullying? Name TWO examples.

Cyberbullying is bullying with the use of communication technology (online bullying). Examples of online bullying include:

• spreading lies and rumors about someone on social media

• sending threatening and hurtful messages, images, or videos

• posting embarrassing photos of others online

• using someone’s name and identity to create a fake profile


What goal is the AGGRESSIVE person working towards?

I win, you lose.


List the SIX types of relationships you can have.



Liam and Peyton have been friends since they were in kindergarten. Liam has  a crush on Peyton, but Peyton doesn’t know if she feels the same way. Liam tells her that if she won't date him, he'll never speak to her again. Peyton is scared to lose him, so she agrees to date him.



List THREE safety tips for communicating online.

-Use an alias rather than your real name
-Hide your location (Snap maps, photos, etc.)
-Pause before you post
-Don't engage with adults you don't personally know
-Block and report any behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable.
-If you are upset or unsure about something someone sent you, ask them what they meant. Talk to them on the phone or face-to-face if possible.


How would a PASSIVE person set boundaries?

They wouldn't set boundaries.


Does unhealthy behavior always mean a relationship is unhealthy? Explain!

No, it does not. We all engage in unhealthy behavior sometimes. What matters is that we learn from it and try to do better next time.


Thomas and Colin are talking about their favourite movies. Colin tells Thomas that all of the movies he likes are bad, and that he's lame for liking them.



List THREE Pros & THREE Cons of communicating online

-Talk to friends remotely
-Meeting new people
-Online Communities

-No body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to assist in comprehension.


What do the PASSIVE style and the PASSIVE ASSERTIVE style have in common?

-Both will not set boundaries
-Both let the other person win
-Both will not be direct


What is the difference between an unhealthy relationship and an abusive relationship?

Unhealthy relationships involve one or more person exhibiting behaviours which are not healthy or founded in mutual respect for each other, whereas abusive relationships involve one or more person treating the other with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly. 


Maggie and Brady are working together on a project for school, and Brady hasn't been doing his share of the work so far. Brady asks Maggie if she can finish the project herself, since she's done most of the work anyway. Maggie tells him that she's sorry, but no, and that if he doesn't do his share of the work, his name won't be going on the project. 


What should you do if you want to meet an online friend in person?

Always talk to a trusted adult before you meet someone in person for the first time. If you do meet up, meet in a public space and share your location with a trusted adult.


Is your communication style always the same? Explain.

No, your style might change... 

  • During the conversation, 

  • Depending on who you’re talking to,

  • Depending on how you’re feeling and how much energy you have...
