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Dating Rights
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A healthy relationship can sometimes be controlling, manipulative, or jealous. True or False



What do you think is 1 right you have when you are dating someone? A) To set your own limits. B) To end your relationship. C) To be equal. D) All of the above.

D. All of the Above


Healthy relationships only happen for which group of teens? A) Athletes B) All teens C) Christian teens D) Funny teens

B) ALL teens can experience healthy relationships and deserve to experience them. 


Angelina is talking with a guy friend on her phone, and her boyfriend, Brad, sees her texting the friend. Brad gets mad and yells at Angelina. Whose fault is it for getting Brad mad? A) Angelina B) Brad C) Angelina's guy friend

B) Brad. He is choosing to yell and be angry. It his his choice in how he reacts to the situation.


Always doing what your friends/BF/GF wants to do is considered what kind of relationship? Healthy or unhealthy?



You have the right to be GUILT-FREE when dating. What does that mean? A) You can refuse to go out on a date without feeling guilty. B)If you're a guy, you have to act tough. If you're a girl, you have to be pretty. C) You can't go anywhere without your dating partner knowing

A. You can refuse to go out on a date without feeling guilty.


What is the correct definition of teen dating violence? A)Pattern of controlling, and abusive behaviors of one person over another within a romantic or dating relationship. B) When one person hits another person while dating or in a relationship.

A)Pattern of controlling, and abusive behaviors of one person over another... It can include verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse. It can happen to anyone.


Grace and Carl are dating. Grace told Carl he should only text and email Grace. He can't contact his friends or his parents. What is unhealthy about this? A) Carl should also be telling Grace the same thing. B) Carl has the right to contact whoever he wants, whenever he wants. C) Grace is right, Carl should listen to Grace's wants.

Carl has the right to contact whoever he wants whenever he wants.


It is okay for your friends to make you feel guilty for ending any relationships.



When can you end your relationship with someone? A) Only if you have a GOOD reason to B) Only when you don't feel safe C) For any reason at any time

C) For any reason at any time


What should you do if you feel uncomfortable in your relationship?

Get support from a trusted adult 


Name 1 of the types of boundaries for a healthy relationship.

Physical Boundaries (respecting each others' bodies),

Emotional Boundaries (providing support),

Digital Boundaries (How to be a couple on social media)


Name one characteristic of a healthy relationship

Being respectful, safety, equality, support, individuality, fairness, acceptance, trust, good communication.


Your opinion is equally as important as your partner's opinion, except when: A) Your partner is hearing. B) Your partner is smarter than you. C) Your opinion is always as important as your partner's D) Your partner didn't ask you for your opinion.

C) Your opinion is always as important as your partner's


What is one technique you can use to manage your emotions?

Deep breathing, take a walk, sing, dance, mindfulness meditation, exercise, count to 10, remove yourself from the situation.


How should we treat the person who harmed their partner?

1. identify a trusting adult

2. know when it is time to focus on your own healing

3. be open to learning new healthy ways to communicate

4. seek professional help


If the person you are dating is always telling you how to look, to wear make up or certain clothes, to look nice or they won't be seen with you, is that verbal, emotional, or mental abuse?

All of them


You have the right to set your limits. What does that mean? A) You can say "NO" to anything (touch, showing things, saying things on phone, etc). B) You can decide to do something with one partner, and then don't do the same thing with your next partner. C) You can have privacy whenever you want away from your partner. D) All of the above

D) All of the above


Despite the love and trust between boyfriend and girlfriend, name a form of security that should NEVER be shared.



What  is one website you can find resources  on healthy relationships?
