Time Management Basics
How to manage your time
How to manage your time pt. 2
Goals and methods

What is time management?

Time management - the process of planning and being in control of time spent on specific activities. It is used to be more productive.


True or False: Time management will help you set and meet your goals.



True or False: You can not create your own planner because it distracts you from creating a schedule.

FALSE! You can create your own planner. This also allows you to be creative with it and make it personal. 


What happens if a person doesn't use time management?

Lots of stress, missed deadlines, lack of productivity, problems with sleep, etc.


Where can you use time management skills?

Ex. work


everyday life 



List two examples of tasks or activities that you can use timeblocking for.

Build in time for:


-video games 

-hanging with friends 

-social media


What are some ways you can use time management skills at school?

Create a schedule outside of school classes for study time.  

Use a planner or digital calendar on your phone.  Set reminders!

Eliminate distractions. 

Set Goals For Each Study Session.  Ex. I will read 15 pages tonight.

Start Working On Assignments Early. (Not the day before it’s due or before a test)

Make a Project Plan. (chart out what you need to accomplish each day to be on task)

Work On One Thing At A Time.


True or False: 

Goal setting is a great way to manage your time.



What's 2-minute rule? How does it work?

If a task takes less than 2 minutes to complete, it should be done immediately instead of being put off for later


What is 'eat that frog' method? How does it work?

1) Find the hardest or the scariest task of the day;
2) Eat that frog! (do the most difficult task first). 


What is 'eat an elephant one bite at a time'? How does it work?

Break down a large task into smaller, more manageable parts


What is the ABCDE method?

A prioritization technique used for time management and decision-making. It involves assigning tasks to five groups, based on their urgency and importance:


A (high importance, high urgency),

B (medium importance, medium urgency),

C (low importance, high urgency),

D (low importance, low urgency),

E (eliminate or delegate).


How does time management help us?

  • Better decision-making skills

  • Better performance at work and school

  • Increased responsibility and independence

  • More opportunities to relax 

  • More time for family and friends

  • Reduced anxiety when projects are due in school or test dates are approaching


What are some reasons as to why we do not get things done? 

  • We feel intimidated because it seems hard

  • Sometimes we're afraid we'll fail

  • Rebellion and laziness

  • Lack of motivation, focus and just being tired 

  • We’re not organized

  • We don’t know where or how to start


What is the Pomodoro technique? Why is it called like that?

You work on a task for 45 mins and then either rest or work on another task for 15 minutes. It is named after a cooking timer that looks like a tomato.


What's the difference between Eisenhower Matrix and ABCDE technique?

The Eisenhower Matrix focuses on urgency and importance, helping to distinguish between tasks that need immediate attention and those that can be deferred. The ABCDE Method, on the other hand, assigns  tasks based on their priority, making it easy to identify which tasks should be tackled first.


Why is your time so important?

Time is important because it is the one thing we can never get back. Once it’s gone, we can never get it back.


Fill in the blank: Research shows that it takes __ days to establish a new habit as routine.

Research shows that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit as routine.


Why is creating a routine important? How can you create a routine?

This helps you to be in control of your time, and not the other way around.  

Establish proactive habits like:

Creating a to do list for the day (the night before)

Doing your chores right after school

Get to your homework before hanging out

Once you get into the routine of doing things in a certain order, you won't have to waste time thinking about what to do next


What have you studies during this week in our summer camp? What was useful and what was useless for you? What did you like the most? (question for both teams)

Your own answers :) 
