What does it mean to have a unilateral hearing loss?
a hearing loss in one ear
What does the acronym "HAT" stand for?
Hearing Assistive Technology
What does the X stand for on an audiogram?
the left ear
What do the letters IEP stand for?
Individual Education Plan
True or False: I can ask a teacher for an accommodation on my IEP.
What is the name of the graph that shows how you hear?
What is the name for a device used to improve your ability to hear?
hearing aid
What does the word Decibels tell us?
how loud or soft a sound is
What is the term for the person who is responsible for your IEP?
IEP Manager or Case Manager
What is the term for asking for what I need?"
What does it mean to have a bilateral hearing loss?
hearing loss in both ears
What is the name of a hearing device implanted by surgery and connected by a magnet?
cochlear implant
What does the term frequency tell us?
the pitch or how high or low a sound is
What are accommodations?
Things I need in the school setting to be successful
What should I do if I am asked to take a test without my accommodations?
talk to your IEP manager and the teacher
What does it mean to have a conductive hearing loss?
a hearing issue in the outer or middle ear than "could" be fixed
What happens if you try to recharge a regular battery?
It will explode
What does SRT mean on an audiogram?
Speech Reception Threshold
What is a goal on your IEP?
Something you need to work on to improve
Having a hearing loss affects my intelligence?
What does the term sensorineural mean?
True or False: A Roger Touchscreen microphone amplifies sound for everyone in the room?
True or false: The noise made by a jet airplane would about 50dB?
false - 120dB and 4000hz
How often do my team and I meet to update my IEP?
every year
What should I do if my accommodations say I get copies of notes but I don't get them?
talk to my IEP manager or teacher and explain your rights