vs 23, 30
Who are the servants carrying God's message to the people?
"the weak and the simple."
What is D&C section 1 also called?
The Lord's Preface or Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants.
A council of elders met in what year to talk about publishing Joseph Smith Revelations?
November 1, 1831
Why were the council of elders worried about publishing the revelations of Joseph Smith?
They were embarrassed by Joseph's weakness in writing, and that there would be more problems for the saints.
Where was the special conference of the elders held at?
Hiriam, Ohio
vs 8
Who has been given the power seal on both earth and in the heaven?
they who go forth bearing these tidings unto the inhabitants of the earth
vs 4, 8, 22
What is the message God wanted his Saints to share?
A "voice of warning" for all "the inhabitants of the earth", teaching them to repent and establish God's "everlasting covenant".
vs 10
How is the Lord going to recompense every man?
according to his work and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man.
What does this mean? What does recompense mean?
vs 22
What is one of the purposes of having these things proclaimed to the world?
"That mine everlasting covenant might be established"
vs 21
Where faith is to be increased?
On the earth
vs 17
Who did the Lord call upon and give commandments to?
Joseph Smith Jr
What is a preface in a book?
it introduces a book, It identifies the books theme's and purposes and helps readers prepare to read.
vs 6
vs 32
What are the actions you are to take to be forgiven?
repents and does the commandments of the Lord.
Why will the light be taken from a person?
Because he won't repent and the Lord's spirit shall not always strive with man.
vs 31
What can the Lord not look upon?
Sin with the least degree of allowance
vs 24
Who stated that the commandments were from him and given unto his servants?
I am God
vs 39
What abideth forever?
the truth
vs 30
Why is the Lord speaking to the church collectively and not individually?
While the restoration of the church is a group effort, there are individuals in the church that have made choices to willfully or ignorantly harm the church.
vs 21
Why did the Lord restore his gospel?
Faith might increase in earth,
the everlasting covenant be established,
the fulness of the gospel be proclaimed.
vs 24
Why would God give his commandments to people that have weaknesses?
vs 24-28
You have to choose someone from the other team to answer this question. If they get it right, they get 500 points, if they get it wrong your team get 500 points.
Who also beareth record that the Lord is God?
The Spirit
vs 37
What are we to search for answers?
the commandments
You have to choose someone from the other team to answer this question. If they get it right, they get 500 points, if they get it wrong your team get 500 points.
vs 35
What does it mean that the Lord is not a respecter of persons?
This means that the Lord will treat everyone according how the person has lived their life, being fair in judgment and not showing favouritism.
vs 15-16
Why is the Lord angry?
strayed from the ordinances, broken the everlasting covenant.
what else?
vs 2-4
The voice of the Lord is spoken to whom?