Blood flow to some parts of the heart is compromised.
What is a heart attack?
Discomfort in the upper body, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea.
What are some symptoms of a heart attack?
CPR stands for ...
What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?
Most days 5:00, 12:00, 3:00, and 7:00
When do we test the pool and hot tub chemicals?
Manual suction device
What device allows you to remove foreign material from a person’s airway?
Loss of the heart's ability to pump blood through the body
What is Cardiac Arrest?
Strong fruity breath odor
Drowsiness, difficulty waking up
What are signs of a diabetic emergency?
Helps circulate blood in order to restore some oxygen to brain.
What does CPR do for the human body?
Recommended pH for pool water
What is 7.2-7.5?
Protects emergency responders from contact with bodily fluids
What are universal precautions?
The heart is the primary problem.
What is sudden cardiac arrest?
Often carried by persons with a heart condition
What is nitroglycerin?
Perform CPR on a person having ...
What is cardiac arrest?
Makes the water cloudy and the chlorine less effective as a disinfectant
What is high pH (basic)?
Being in cold water for an extended period of time
What is hypothermia?
What is secondary cardiac arrest?
If you suspect a heart attack have this nearby
What is the AED?
Number of chest compressions performed during CPR
What is 30?
Recommended level for chlorine
What is 2-3?
Provide water or sports drink
Loosen restrictive clothing
Lay or sit the person down
Stay with the victim
What should you do for a person suffering from a heat-related illness?
Used to shock the heart into effective rythym
What is an AED?
Offer fruit juice or candy
What is the emergency treatment for hypoglycemia?
When do you stop CPR?
Do this if the chemicals are too high or too low
What is notify your supervisor?
Chronic condition of the nervous system in which electrical activity in the brain causes a seizure
What is epilepsy?