How many adults above the age of 20 have coronary heart disease in the US?
18.2 million
The American Heart Association's guidelines on physical activity state that all healthy adults aged 18-65 should be getting at least ____ minutes of moderate intensity activity____ days of the week.
30 min
5 days
Which chambers hold the blood coming into the heart?
Upper chambers (the right and left atria)
How many classes of medications are there to treat heart disease?
Aspirin, ACE inhibitors, antiarrhythmics, anticoagulants, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and statins
One person per_____ seconds in the US dies from cardiovascular disease.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a heart attack, what should you have them chew?
325mg aspirin pill
True or False: Physical activity can counteract the harmful effects of other risk factors like high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Which chamber pumps blood into the lungs?
Right ventricle
This type of drug relax blood vessels and increase both the blood and oxygen supply, reducing the heart's workload.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Arteries are about ___ millimeters in diameter.
What numerical value is considered as high blood pressure?
True or False: If it increases your heart rate too fast, exercise can be dangerous.
What is the common name for the valves between the upper and lower chambers?
The mitral and the tricuspid valves (AV valves or atrioventricular valves)
What type of drug makes it easier for your heart to pump and controls blood pressure by helping your body get rid of unneeded water and salt through urine?
Your heart pumps____ gallons of blood every day.
What does ECG stand for?
True or False: Women get the same benefits from being physically active as men.
Studies indicate that women may benefit even more than men from being physically fit. Evidence suggests that physically fit women have lower rates of death from heart disease than physically fit men.
What is the sinoatrial node?
It starts the cardiac cycle
What three types of treatment are available for heart disease?
Lifestyle changes
True or False: Fiber can lower your cholesterol.
Ventricular depolarization is shown by....
T wave
People who engaged in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week had what percent lower risk of coronary heart disease?
Which chamber is the largest?
Left ventricle
Heart disease costs the US how much each year?
Approx. $200 billion
Chronic smoking leads to ______ LDL levels.