This is the place where Moses hid after killing an Egyptian. He became a shepherd here.
The promised land is a land flowing with __________ and _______.
Milk and Honey
She was a widow who showed remarkable faith. She traveled a difficult journey with her widowed mother-in-law to live in Bethlehem. Despite her tremendous loss, she firmly believed that God would provide for her. She is a model of bravery, faith and obedience.
The 3rd son of Adam and Eve.
What fruit did Eve eat in the garden?
Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
This means red or red earth. It was also another name for Esau. The early inhabitants of the land were Horites. They were destroyed by this people (Deuteronomy 2:12), between whom and the kings of Israel and Judah there was frequent war (2 Kings 8:20; 2 Chronicles 28:17).
What food were provided to the Israelites during their journey towards the promised land?
Manna and Quail
She was a remarkable woman who put her own life at risk to save her people. She is an inspiring example of serving others under incredibly difficult circumstances. It is one of the books of the Bible named after a woman.
The first High Priest of Israel
What item inside the Tabernacle is found in the Holy of Holies?
Ark of the Covenant
This is the birthplace of Haran. It is the city of the Chaldees.
a. Grashopper
b. Camel
c. Cattle
She was a woman mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. According to that Gospel, she was an elderly woman of the Tribe of Asher who prophesied about Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem. She appears in Luke 2:36–38 during the presentation of Jesus at the Temple.
He is the third son of David, King of Israel with Maacah, daughter of Talmai, King of Geshur. He eventually rebelled against his father and was killed during the Battle of Ephraim's Wood.
Elijah was taken to heaven in what mode of transportation?
A chariot of fire pulled by horses of fire
The portable sanctuary which served as a place of worship for the Hebrew tribes during the period of wandering that preceded their arrival in the Promised Land
The prophet Amos was originally a herdman and a gatherer of what type of fruit?
a. Grapes
b. Pomegranate
c. Sycamore
C. Sycamore
In the Old Testament, she was the daughter of King Ahab and Jezebel. After the death of Ahaziah, her son, she usurped the throne and reigned for seven years. She massacred all the members of the royal house of Judah.
He is the great-grandfather of Noah. He is also the first man in the Bible to be said to have never died.
What item did the angel put on Isaiah's mouth?
Burning coal
This place means Nahum's town. It was a large Galilean fishing village and busy trading center. This place is of special interest to Christians because of its frequent mention in the history of Jesus Christ. Peter, Andrew, James and John also lived here. It played a unique and important part in Christ’s life and ministry, and in his outreach to the people of Israel.
It became the "headquarters" of Jesus Christ after He was not welcomed in Nazareth.
What type of meat did Isaac requested from Esau before he intended to bless him?
The name of a woman mentioned in a single verse in Acts of the Apostles Chapter 17 as one of those present when Paul of Tarsus preached in Athens in front of the Athenian Areopagus in c. AD 55.
Together with Dionysius the Areopagite Damaris embraced the Christian faith following Paul's Areopagus sermon.
The second son of Jesse, the father of David
What are the 3 gifts of the wise men to Jesus and what are their significance?
Gold - Kingship
Frankincense - Deity of Christ
Myrrh - Death (Jesus' mission)