Knowing CPR
What is the best way to save lives
The lower half of the breastbone
Where do you put you hands on child and adult
Compressor, ventilator, AED operator
What are roles in the CPR team
Dangers to consider to enter the scene
Lightning, violence, traffic, powerlines, contamination
Tapping the feet
How do we stimulate/wake up a baby
What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in CPR
2 fingers perpendicular below the nipples
Where do we put the hands on a baby
Law enforcement, EMS, healthcare, anyone trained in CPR
Who may respond to a cardiac arrest
Gloves, masks, gowns, clear screens
What may be personal protection worn
1.5 inch depth
What is the depth of compressions for babies
What medicine do we give to opiate overdose
1 second, delivered through mask, do it 2 times
What is the way to give breaths
Call 911, send someone for the AED and first aid kit
How do you get EMS and equipment to you
Chemicals, electric power lines, deep water, gasses, fire, explosions, active shooter
What is an example of dangers in a scene
Hot dog pieces, meat pieces, grapes, cherry tomatoes, toys, cardboard, objects very small
What might cause choking
If EMS arrives, the person wakes up, your are too tired to continue, trained helpers come to take over
When do you stop CPR
2 inch depth of compressions
What is the depth of compressions for children
After 2 minutes/5 rounds of 30:2
Change compressors
AED safety
What is step back while the AED is analyzing and when the AED says to shock
Back blows and chest compressions 5/5
What is the way to treat infant choking
Birth to 1 year, 1 year to puberty, puberty through rest of ages
What is infant, child, and adult ages
Abdominal thrusts
What is child and adult choking treatment technique
Every 2 years and between classes
What is the time your renew your class and when should you practice skills
Broken ribs
What could happen if your hand placement was incorrect
Pediatric pads or adult pads if no pediatric pads
What can you use on infants with the AED