What is heat transferred by direct contact
Definition of Radiation
What is heat transferred by waves
Definition of Convection
What is heat rises and cold air sinks
What is my role in frozen this year?
What is Elsa
What is an example of Conduction
What is (ex; feet on hot sand (up to host)
What is (ex; sun)
What is an example of Convection
What is (ex; boiling water, lava lamp, hot air balloon)
How tall am I?
What is 5'8
Conduction transferrs heat through...
What is contact
Radiation transferrs heat through...
What is waves
Convection is used in earths mantle TRUE or FALSE
What is true
Am I taller than my dad?
What is yes
Conduction is used in a toaster TRUE OR FALSE
Radiation is used in a lava lamp TRUE OR FALSE
What is false
Convection is used in boiling mac and cheese TRUE OR FALSE
What is true
What is my middle name?
What is Christene
If I touch a lava lamp and it feels warm, is it convection or conduction?
What is conduciton
If I sit on a bench that has been sitting in the sun, how was the bench warmed?
What is radiaition
Convection transferrs heat through...
What is motion
What color are my eyes?