The number of gates that surround heaven
What are 12 gates?
What is someone who wanders from God?
The message of the unmerciful servant
What is nobody will enter heaven if they have not forgiven others?
He received the vision of heaven
Who is John?
What the 12 gates represent
What are the 12 tribes of Israel?
The type of person the coin represents
What is someone who is led astray/neglected?
This has to happen before the 2nd coming of Jesus
What is the gospel being spread through all the earth?
This will end in heaven
What are the 12 apostles?
The type of person the prodigal son represents
What is a person who is spiritually lost, curious about worldly things, or defiant to God?
There is more Celebration in heaven when this happens
What is one sinner who repents vs 99 righteous people?
This city will be on clouds coming from heaven
What is Jerusalem?
What the 12 gates are made out of
What is pearl?
The father tells the older son this when he is jealous that his brother is having a celebration
What is "everything I have is yours?"
What is "away from me, I never knew you"?
This is the message of all of the parables that we read
What is "never too far gone?"
The roads of heaven are described as being these two things
What is gold and transparent glass?
The amount of money that the unmerciful servant owed his master
What is 10,000 bags of gold or dollars?
Jesus uses these two things to illustrate the choice between him and satan
What are the wide and narrow gates?
Jesus says this to show that everyone is welcome in heaven
What is "in my house there are many rooms?"