What is the title of the sermon?
Heavenly family and earthly family
The family system is a copy and shadow of what is where ?
Of what is in HEAVEN.
Because we are going to inherit the kingdom of heaven, we must endure what ?
Persecutions and trails
If we have a physical mother, then we also have what ?
Spiritual mother
What are the members of a family on this earth?
Father, mother and children
Who is the Jerusalem that is above ?
Heavenly Mother
If we are God’s children, then we can be God’s what ?
God’s Heirs
If we are God’s heirs, what will be our inheritance?
The whole kingdom of heaven
Does a family only consist of father and his children?
No, we have mothers too.
How can we become heavenly family members?
God’s blood
What Bible verse confirms we are God’s children ?
2 Corinthians 6:17
What Bible verse says: “they serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven ?
Hebrews 8:5
What are the members of the heavenly family?
Father, mother and children
What feast of God allow us to have the blood of Christ?
The Passover of the new covenant
What bible verse confirms we have a Heavenly Father?
Hebrews 12:9 and Matthew 6:9
What bible verse confirms we have a mother in heaven?
Galatians 4:26