MRR BP reading 123/ 95, REPEAT: 125/80. This would be the abstracted BP reading
What is 123/80.
Formerly known as HBD.
What is GSD. Glycemic status assessments for patients with diabetes.
WCC Measure contains three sub measures, BMI Percentile Documentation, and these 2 counseling sub-measures.
What is Counseling for Nutrition, and Counseling for Physical Activity.
CCS required women 21-64 years of age to have a cervical cytology test performed in this timeframe.
What is within the last three years?
The 3 sub-measures for Care for Older adults, bonus points if you can name the STAR measures.
What is Pain management, Functional status assessment (FSA), and Medication Review?
Hospice and this service are required exclusions for CBP.
The LSC measure requires at least one capillary or venous blood test for this mineral prior to the members 2nd birthday.
What is Lead?
What is Cervical agenesis?
What are Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)?
A nebulizer treatment using this medication, would make documented BP reading unacceptable.
What is albuterol.
(Same goes for BPD)
Blindness in both or one eye is NOT an acceptable exclusion for this Measure
what is EED?
TD and Pertussis vaccines listed separately are acceptable for the Tdap Vaccine required in the Measure.
What is IMA- Immunizations for Adolescents?
PPC- PCP visits for prenatal care must also have notation of this to meet criteria.
What is a diagnosis of pregnancy?
Headaches, migraines, and cramps noted in the medical record all meet criteria for this STAR Measure.
What is Pain assessment?
CBP required exclusions include: ESRD, Nephrectomy, and this procedure, performed anytime in the members history
What is a Kidney transplant
These values must include a date range used to derive the value. The terminal date should be used to assign assessment date.
What is GMI, glucose monitoring indicator?
In the CIS measure, DTap and this vaccine are required to be administered FOUR times prior to the members 2nd birthday.
What is PCV, Pneumococcal conjugate?
a TORCH antibody panel or basic OB exam with FHT both meet criteria for this Measure and sub-measure.
What is PCC, Timeliness of prenatal care?
Unlike the CBP measure, documentation from these settings is acceptable for COA medical record review.
What is ED or ER visits?
Home health and these types of visits are acceptable for the CBP measure. hint: Emergency department visits do not meet criteria.
What is Urgent Care
MRR finds an Eye exam completed by an eye care provider in 2023. The exam must be this to meet criteria.
What is Negative for retinopathy?
5-2-1-0 & HEADS discussion in the medical record both meet criteria for this child sub-measure.
What is Counseling for Physical Activity?
This type of test DOES NOT meet criteria for Prenatal care, however, is acceptable evidence for Postpartum care.
What is a Pap test?
MRR finds a completed Barthel index and Katz index. These assessments meet criteria for this sub measure.
What is Functional status assessment?