The change in a population over a given time,
What is Growth Rate
The three layers of the earth.
What are crust, mantle, core?
The reason romans built aqueducts,
Water Pollution
A substance that kills organisms people determine pests.
What Nature said about the amount of fish being caught over time
What is increasing?
The type of age structure diagram showing a population that has more people who are younger than older
What is a population period?
The three basic building blocks of life, are 3 elements that are present in every single living thing and are the most abundant in plants and animals out of any element.
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
The process of nitrogen and phosphourous overfeeding a body of water leading to excessive algae growth.
The process of cutting vegetation and burning it to return vegetation to the soil.
What is slash and burn agriculture?
The direct cause of overfishing.
What are poorly set quotas?
The replacement fertility rate (The amount of children a woman needs to have on average to replace the current population).
The large dust storms of the 1920s and 1930s that deposited large amounts of magnesium and calcium
The Dust Bowls
Sources of pollution that cover a large area of land, such as parking lots or farms.
The four crops that are eaten the most.
Wheat, Rice, Corn, Potatoes
The accidental catching of juiveneilles and non commercial species
The four factors that determine the growth rate of a population.
What are births, Deaths, Immigration, Emmigration.
The term for elements that are essential to life that are essential to life in relatively large amounts which includes, niitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.
What is the measurement of how much oxygen an area of water takes up over a period of time, known as BOD.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
The era of rapid change in agriculture characterized by new vareties of crops and increased use of fertilizer.
When is the green revoloution?
The solution to salmon overfishing, also known as ITQ
Individual Transferable Quota
The formula for growth rate.
WHat is Births + Immigration - (Deaths+Emmigration) /total population
The remaining seven plant-essential elements required in a relatively dmal amount—manganese, iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, and boron
Unlike chemical mercury, this form of mercury is seriously harmful.
What is methylmercury?
The original organism of the gene transplanted into corn to give it resistance to worms?
The bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis
The act that changed the focus of fishery management from economic to sustainability.
Sustainable Fisheries Act