The Tract
Respiratory Assessment
Physical Assessment
Labs and Diagnostics

I am the assessment that checks for peripheral vision loss.   I have the client look straight at me and have them cover 1 eye with an opaque card, as I cover my opposite eye, then I wiggle my fingers slowing advancing from 2 ft away. If i can see it and client can't, I am abnormal.

What is the Confrontation test for peripheral vision loss?

Acutely diminished visual fields occur with diseases of the retina and stroke.



I am the nursing assessment term for the condition resulting in hearing loss. 

What is Presbycusis? 

Facing the patient allows them to see your mouth to understand you. This condition was heightened when nurses wore masks during the pandemic.


I am the finding you will be sure to document if I tell you I sleep on at least two pillows.

 What is Orthopnea?


I am the finding of palpation which is a vibrating feeling on the ball of your hand moving side to side as a client says "99" or " Blue Moon" .   An increase of normal may indicate pneumonia and a decrease of it may indicate emphysema

What  is Tactile Fremitus?


I am located in in many parts of the body and help fight infection.  You can palpate me bilaterally in superficial areas including the neck, armpit, chest, abdomen (belly), and groin.  I am not normally different on one side versus the other so assessing both sides is important

What is the Lymph Nodes?


I am pearly gray, concave and hidden unless you pull the pinna up and back

What is the Tympanic membrane?


I am movable, discreet, soft and NON TENDER if you gently palpate me.

What are Lymph Nodes?


I'm an additional symptom that tags along with a cough in respiratory problems. I am produced by Goblet cellls

What is sputum production?


I have shortness of breath when lying down.

What is orthopnea?


There are 5 parts of the eye. I am the part that allows the nurse to identify jaundice.

What is is the Sclera ?

The five parts of the eye are pupil, iris, cornea, retina and sclera.


I am used best from 20 foot away to test visual acuity

What is the Snellen Chart?


I am the condition that happens when the protein in the lens of your eye starts to break down and clump together. I cause the lens to become opaque (cloudy) and affects your eyesight.  

What is a Cataract?


I am the reaction that describes pupil restriction and convergence of eyes toward nose when going from looking far away to looking at a close object. ( Dr Snow has an abnormal assessment of this ) 

What is Accommodation?

The accommodation reflex (or near response) is a three-part reflex that brings near objects into focus through lens thickening, pupillary constriction, and inward rotation of the eyes—eye convergence. Dr Snow is jealous of this


I am trapped air in and under the skin, also known as subcutaneous emphysema.

What is crepitus?


I am 90 degrees usually. I determine if the position and posture of the chest and lungs are normal. I flatten out if the lungs get hyperinflated. I am shown in the answer

What is the Costal Angle?


What does the mouth and nose do for the Respiratory System?

What is allows oxygen to enter body and carbon dioxide to leave?


I am the windpipe or airway. I hold about 150 ml of dead space. I am a priority 1 area if i am compromised.

What is the Trachea?


I am the NORMAL low pitch sounds you hear over lung surfaces ( especially on inspiration) , especially at the base of the lungs. I am easier heard below the second rib where there is lung tissue. 

What is Vesicular breath sounds?



We are the 3 normal breath sounds, heard from the apices ( top) of lungs ABOVE the clavicle down to the area of T8 .

What is bronchial, bronchiovesicular, and vesicular?


I identify hemoglobin saturation and can be found in the first step of Physical Assessment .

What is a pulse oximetry?

( Vital signs are first step in Physical Assessment)


I am done best by holding the tragus on one ear and behind the client, standing 2 feet from the other ear, softly saying a simple series of words/number to test auditory. Less than 80% correct is a positive test for hearing impairment ( Happens to be Cranial 8 for next session :))

What is the Whisper Test?


I branch from the the bronchioles and resemble a bunch of grapes.

What are alveolar ducts?


I take place in the alveoli.

What is gas exchange?


I am squeaky, musical, continuous breath sounds associated with air rushing through narrow spaces.

What is a wheeze?


We are some of the abnormal sounds you may hear when auscultating ( listening with stethoscope) to the lungs

What are rales, rhonchi, crackles, wheezes and stridor?
