"Discriminatory practice that consists of the systematic denial of services such as mortgages, insurance loans, and other financial services to residents of certain areas, based on their race or ethnicity. (Legal Information Institute, 2025). Restricting access to housing due to discriminatory and systemic practices.
Who is responsible for creating healthcare policy?
House of Representatives & Senate
Name one form of racism.
Identify three barriers to care.
Transportation, financial hardship, geographic location, social stigma/privacy issues, poor health education, high costs of care
Define what widely shared vision means to you.
Working as a collective to reach a common standard of living for all.
Everyone answer counts if using evidence (:
How are health policy and healthcare linked?
Policies: shifting funding, societal impact, and power of healthcare.
What are two consequences of racism?
high blood pressure
poor sleep
lower birth weight
cognitive impairment
coronary artery calcification
visceral fat (internal organs)
incident cardiovascular diseases
True or False: Does insurance cover everything on your plan immediately?
False (have to reach out of pocket maximum until it begins to pay)
Nam two current limitations to Montgomery County achieving a widely shared vision?
- Poor health literacy
- Lack of social support
- Inability to access care
- Transportation limitations
Define and explain the impacts of infant mortality.
Infant mortality - rate of infants dying prior to the age of 1. Disproportionately impacting POC and those unable to access prenatal care.
Share how political parties differ in perspectives to healthcare.
Democrat: Expand access to state-funded insurance, protect reproductive rights, increase healthcare staffing, capping prescription drug pricing
Republican: Repeal and replace ACA, Restrict reproductive rights, patient data protection
Micro: small, subtle, implicit comments of bias
Macro: large, overt, explicit acts or policies impacting a group
Name a factor contributing to uninsured people.
Poor health education, unemployment, "in the gap" (make too much to qualify for Medicaid/Medicare)
Define appreciative inquiry.
“The ability to adopt a growth mindset in which we can frame our perspective toward a vision of possibility and aspiration, to see what emerges from something much smaller or from a current state in people and processes” (Armstrong et al., 2020).
Name two Social Determinants of Health.
Education access & quality
Economic Stability
Social and community context
Neighborhood and built environment
Healthcare access and quality
Share the difference between state and federal health policy.
Federal trumps state law. State specific to that state depending on State House of Representatives & Senate.
What is the difference between equality and equity?
Equality: everyone is the same.
Equity: everyone receives necessary resources and supports to ensure success.
Name a solution to the barrier of care: poor health education.
Health class in schools, improving curriculums in school (school board or educational meetings), presentations in schools
State house and public comments
Encouraging more discussion about health related topics
Asking health professionals for detailed information as well as hoping those professionals communicate
Googling for common illness if possible, self-care, over the counter
Doing your own research
Social programs, community outreach programs
Name three ways we ensure HEF members are accountable to upholding our widely shared vision?
- Accountability
- "I feel" statements
- Lean on Moses & Sierra
- One on one meetings
- Advocate for oneself and others
Share an impact of redlining in the Dayton area in the 21st century.
Identify how the three branches of government work on health-care policies.
Legislative: makes and signs laws
Judicial: exercise the Constitution through courts
Executive: enforces/vetoes laws
Share a solution to racism present in healthcare.
Share three impacts on health due to barriers of care.
Risk of diseases
Infant mortality
Severe mental health outcomes
Inadequate care
High morbidity
High mortality rate
Who is responsible for upholding HEF's widely shared vision?