Translate Mon Pere
My Father
Translate: my mother to french
ma mere
make ton plural
translate ton chat
your cat
what is monkey in french?
Translate Mon Grand Pere
My grandfather
Translate my mother in law to french
ma Belle mere
make sa feminine
translate ton hamburger
your hamburger
translate son poisson
her/his fish
Translate son beau pere
his step father
Translate her aunt to french
sa tante
what does sa mean
translate ton croissant
your croissant
make it plural: ta
Translate je suis ton neveu
I am your nephew
Translate the sister
la sœur
fix this sentence: ton l'oncle
remove the l' OR no 'ton'
is the word bru feminine?
!change this to English: le chat de ta bru (de = of)
your daughter in law's cat
Translate ton oncle est heureux
your uncle is happy
Translate Ma bru est impolie
my daughter in law is rude/impolite
correct this sentence: ton bru
ta bru
! translate mon vingt-cinquième cousin trente fois éloigné est un albatros
my twenty-fifth cousin thirty-seven times removed is an albatross
! fix this sentence: le poisson de ta oncle mange poison
change the ta to ton