this is katelyn's dream school (not target)
What is UMiami?
This is austin's favorite short film.
What is "Silent"?
this is dad's favorite food
what are fajitas?
this is mom's favorite candy
swedish fish
this is a popular ketchup brand adjacent to our name
what is Heinz?
this is my least favorite food
what is oranges?
This is Austin's least favorite food
What is squash?
this is dad's hobby
What is photography?
this is something mom says to austin everymorning
"did you wash your face?"
this is what we like to do in the car to annoy dad
What is sing?
this is my name on disney+
This is the crime austin would commit if he could
What is arson?
this was das's time of his life
what was college?
this is mom's favorite food
what is lasagna?
what is cutting out papers?
this is katelyn's favorite sport to watch
This is austin's favorite type of dog
what is a pitbull?
this is dad's favorite drink
what is egg nog?
these are mom's most favored vacation spots
What are australia and hawaii?
this is how old cinnamon is
how old is 4?
This is where I want to go for my grad trip
where is NZ?
this was austin's original name for cinnamon
What is toilet paper?
this is what camera lens he has
what is an 85?
this is what mom would be if she wasn't a teacher
what is a detective?
this is the amount of cousins on dad's side
how many is 10?