What website/app is the most popular video service
Who is the person in the "When the imposter is sus meme"
What year was the first iPhone created
when was YouTube created
Who was the last man to walk on the moon
Eugene Cernan
What is the most popular social media service
Which meme won meme of the decade on grandayys channel
We are number one
What is the other name for corn
What was the first video uploaded onto YouTube
Me at the zoo
What was the orginal name of snickers
Who currently owns Instagram.
What is the most popular place to post funny images or memes
Which boxer was known as "The Greatest" and "The peoples champion"
Muhammad Ali
What was the first channel to hit 100 million subs
How far is earth from mars
33.9 million miles
Who is the ceo of Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg
Who is the ceo of reddit
Steve Huffman
The Nile
what was the original way you could like a video.
there used to be a star system where you could rate videos
How high is the golden gate bridge above the water
220 feet
Who is the CEO of Instagram
Kevin Systrom
What is highly regarded as the first meme
The baby dancing meme was the first viral meme
What does HTTP stand for
HyperText Transfer Protocol
Who currently is the ceo of youtube(you must say the name correctly)
Susan Wojcicki
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