Works in the Library
Who is the librarian?
I eat lunch here.
Where is the cafeteria?
I use this to read.
What are my eyes and my brain?
Another word for head hurting
What is a headache?
I get a good grade.
I am happy.
I am excited.
Works in the Gym.
Who is the coach?
I go to my locker here.
Where is the hallway?
Part of my head.
What are my eyes, nose, mouth, ears, or hair?
Another word for stomach hurting.
What is a stomachache?
I get a bad grade.
I am sad.
I am angry.
I am mad.
Helps you if you are sick
Who is the nurse?
Go here if you are sick.
Where is the nurse's office.
Where my eyes are.
What is my head?
Another word for tooth hurting
What is a toothache?
I have a stomachache.
I am sick.
Uses a mop
Who is the Custodian?
Go here if you need the secretary.
Where is the main office?
Helps you walk.
What are your feet and legs?
I have a temperature of 101.
What is a fever?
I didn't sleep.
I am tired.
Works in the office
Who are the secretary, the counselor, the principal?
I can get books here.
What is the library?
He Uses this to listen.
What are his ears?
The correct sentence for a cough.
I have a cough.
I have a big test tomorrow.
I am scared.
I am worried.
I am nervous.