Who is Purdue's Mascot?
The Boilermaker Special
A fashion item worn on the head
In the "Shrek" Movies, it's the name of the donkey voiced by Eddie Murphy
This sixth planet is known as "the jewel of the solar system"
What did the tomato say to the other tomato during a race?
When was Purdue founded?
Meaning to express gratitude
Slang adjective for someone you think is not what they seem
Especially if they might be the impostor in the game, "Among Us"
What did the Greeks build and hide in to enter Troy during the Trojan War?
A Horse
I went to the zoo the other day, and they only had one animal - a dog.
What breed was the dog?
Shih Tzu
What is the name of Purdue's Fight Song?
Hail Purdue!
To talk informally
This actor is known for putting Fresh Prints on the Zebra from Madagascar
Will Smith
Noble gases are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases and there are this many of them.
What tree can fit in your hand?
A palm tree
How many Big Ten Championships has Purdue's Men's Basketball Team won?
A heavy piece of artillery historically used in warfare
This song will never let you down.
This kind of bond is formed when a metal and a nonmetal react.
Ionic Bond
Why were the Dark Ages called the "Dark Ages"?
There were a lot of knights.
How long is the Purdue Grand Prix track?
50 miles
A word meaning to put together or join
Fill in the blank from this Star Wars quote:
"I don't like ___. It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere."
These two countries share the longest international land border.
How do you make 7 even?
Take away the S