Define the term "helmet"
A protective head covering
Where should helmets be worn?
What can helmets protect people from?
Serious head injury and fatality
Bonus: Where have you seen stigmas about helmet wearing?
Acceptable answers: Any personal experience of a witness regarding the negative portrayal of helmet wearing
The age requirement for helmet usage is 17 and under?
False, it is 16 and under
Name 2 career fields that use helmets
Any career that utilized headwear protection (firefighters, construction workers, military, engineers, architectures, etcetera)
Name 1 high-risk area for pedestrians
Acceptable answers: high speed roadways, areas where there are no bike lanes or sidewalks, busy intersections, poorly lit roadways
What gender is most susceptible to fatality caused by biker accidents?
What was the popular Netflix series shown in the presentation as an example of a show that rarely portrays proper bike safety?
Stranger Things
Media portrayal regarding helmet wearing only impact younger generations, true or false?
False, other generations are also impacted by the media portrayal of helmet wearing, but younger generations are mostly influenced.
Name 3 sports that use helmets
Acceptable answers (at least 2): football, hockey, baseball, softball, biking, horseback riding, skateboarding, roller skating, snow sports (skiing/snowboarding), etcetera
What does it mean to share the road?
Acceptable answers (something along the lines of): paying close attention to streets, crosswalks, and sidewalks to ensure driver and pedestrian safety for everyone commuting
How many lives can helmet wearing save?
Acceptable answers: 1,859 , over 1,000, approximately 1,000
What are some reasons people do not wear helmets? (List 2)
Bikers have a specific side of the road they are supposed to ride on, true or false?
More info: In the United States, bikers are to ride on the right side of the road (in the bikers lane if provided) with the flow of traffic. It is unlawful for bikers to ride against the flow of traffic.
Name 3 different types of helmets discussed in the presentation
Acceptable responses (at least three): full-face helmet, half face helmet, modular helmet, half shell helmet, off-road helmet, dual sport helmet
Have you had experience sharing the road before?
Any shared experience
How can bikers communicate to drivers when they anticipate turning
By using hand signals
How can media positively promote the practice of wearing helmets?
Acceptable responses: any positive usage of media to influence people to wear them
Adults in the state of Florida are required to wear helmets, true or false?
But that does not mean you shouldn't
Pedestrian safety includes more than those who walk. List 3 different ways/methods someone may commute as a pedestrian.
Acceptable answers (at least three of these): motorist, bicyclist, motorized scooters, skateboards, longboarders
Bonus question: How many feet do cars have to give bikers by law?
What were some of the ways listed that we can promote safety when doing activities like biking? (List 3)
Acceptable responses: Sharing the road, wearing a helmet, riding on the correct side of the road, using bike lanes and sidewalks when possible, using hand signals for turning
What percent of bicycle helmets were used in commercials
Studies on media coverage of helmets found that bicycle helmets were only used in 9% of tv shows, true or false?