Self Advocacy & Credible Sources
Nutrition & Exercise
Mental Health & Self Care

Having these help you preserve your autonomy, self respect, and self esteem.

What are Boundaries?


This protects against heart conditions, helps in weight management, improves bone and muscle health, improves mood and energy, and reduces stress.

What is Exercise?


Stop, Take a breath, Observe, and Proceed (S.T.O.P) is a process in this self care practice

What is Mindfulness?


A plan and/or record of what how much you earn and spend in a given month

What is a budget? Remember that you should always try to spend less than you earn. Either lower your expenses or increase what you bring in (new job/loans) to save. Budgeting tools include Mint, Google Sheets, and Pocketguard


If a medication says to "not operate heavy machinery" due to potential side effects, you should use caution before doing this common activity. 

What is Drive a Car?


T/F: A mom blog selling me a pill that will help me lose 15 lbs in a week is great source of accurate health information. 

False, remember the acronym LEGIT. 

Last review? Up to date? 

Exist? Why? Is it selling something?

Good? Credible source?

Info source? Research?

Too good to be true?


A type of macronutrient found in bread, sugar, rice, and many other foods (especially processed foods).

What are Carbohydrates?


The ability to identify your own and others emotions

What is emotional intelligence?


T/F: There are no resources for paying for medications without insurance

False! is a great resource for comparing med prices so you can get the meds you need


In order for you to pick up this from a pharmacy, your doctor must give permission and write a script

What is prescription medication?


T/F: If a resource comes from someone with an MD or PhD degree, it is a reliable source

False. Individuals with degrees can still make mistakes and spread misinformation. If MANY doctors agree, then it is more likely to be reliable. 

If YOUR doctor says something you think may be wrong or against your wishes, you have the right to ask more questions or say no. You also have the right to find a new provider. You and your provider collaborate to find a plan best for you.


One nutrient that most people would benefit from eating less of (but not cut out completely!)

Many! Examples: Sugar, saturated fat, sodium (salt)


These make up the acronym S.M.A.R.T that we use when setting goals

What is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely? 


Things you can do to avoid large/unexpected medical bills

Record everything, check out the procedure price at, ask questions, negotiate lower prices with the provider, talk to your insurance provider and appeal their decisions


T/F: Vitamins are healthy so you don't have to worry about dosage, you can take as many and as much as you want. 

False, supplements and vitamins vary in their degrees of safety and efficacy. Consult with your doctor if considering adding new supplements as there could be dangerous side effects. 


These 4 questions can help you start conversation or clarify your plan of care with your provider.

What is my main problem? 

What do I need to do? 

Why is it important for me to do this? 

How can I contact you if I have more questions?


Ways to maintain motivation to exercise

What is: an accountability partner, making it fun, having rewards, keeping up with SMART goals, and knowing what you need?


Accepting the situation and your feelings, investing in your self, reaching out to others, and focusing on what you can control are all examples of how [BLANK] people react to [BLANK] times.

What is "resilient" and what is "hard"?


A financial assistance program for Bexar County residents without health insurance. It has a monthly payment plan and free health insurance workshops.

What is Carelink


This information can be found on a medication label

What is: dosage, warnings, intended use, ingredients, directions for use, storing directions? 


Things you can do to prepare to be your own advocate at a doctors appointment.

What is: research your provider, research your situation, prepare goals, concerns, and questions, bring information on symptoms and other medications, be ready to educate and ask for more clarification, ask about costs?


Part of a nutrition label: how much a nutrient participates in the average person's daily food intake

What is % daily value. This is on the right of the nutrition label. Look for foods with <5% of the daily value of things you want to limit, like cholesterol, sugar, or sodium.


We discussed these 8 areas as aspects of self/ wellness

What is: emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, environmental, occupational, social, and intellectual?


One resource for lower cost healthcare in San Antonio

Methodist Charity Care, FQHCs (ComuniCare, CentroMed), El Bari Community Health Center, Center for Health Care Services, Adult Safety Net Program, Project MEND, UIW School of Physical Therapy Clinic, SA Metro Health and WIC, Carelink


This is when you take measures to prevent conditions or illnesses from getting worse.

What is Secondary Prevention? 

Think of things like maintaining your medication and plan of care discussed with your doctor. Without it, your health could get worse. 
