seek to explain addictive behavior as a moral failing and have been historically applied to drinking and alcoholism
Moral model of addiction
experiential family therapy
family dysfunction in terms of interactional rigidity and emotional deadness
pre-established role
Carl Whitaker
A pioneer in school guidance counseling that incorporated vocational guidance into the high school curriculum
Jesse Davis
school counseling- introduced a goal driven comprehensive kindergarten-grade 12 developmental approach to school counseling focused on prevention and holistic development of students
Norm Gysbers
school counseling, school family and community partnership-share responsibility
Joyce Epstein
School counseling- new vision, development of student
Gilbert Wrenn
moral psychology and development.
psychoanalytic theory, neo-Freudian theory. Proposed that personality development evolves through systemic stages focused on social influences, peers, teachers, schools and broader culture.
White racial identity development model
human validation process approach to family therapy views dysfunctional families
Virginia Satir
Respect clients’ decisions and values
Do no harm
Actively working for the good of others
fairness without prejudice
keeping promises and trust
advocates for ACA members and the counseling profession on a range of issues, including Medicare reimbursement, portability, and school counseling funding
American counseling Association Government Affairs Office
national organization dedicated solely to Clinical Mental Health Counselors
American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)
accrediting body for counselor education programs, counselor training programs, funds research on best practices, unify our profession
Counseling for Accreditation of Counseling and related educational programs (CACREP)
the governing body of ACA. Consisting of ACA’s elected and appointed officers as well as elected representatives from ACA’s 19 divisions and four geographic regions, the Governing Council has the fiduciary duty to protect the organization's resources and ensure that it is well positioned to meet its strategic goals and address issues that face the counseling profession
American Counseling Association Governing Council
members are counselors, supervisors, graduate students, and faculty members who strive to improve the education and supervision of counselors in training and in practice
Association for counselor education and supervision (ACES)
international honor society, serving the counselor profession. Suppprts scholarship
CSI (Chi Sigma Iota)
primary source of certification for counselors, manages the National Counselor Examination and National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination
List the 7 specializations of counseling in our textbook
• Good listener
• Empathic
• Accepting
• Can regulate one’s emotions well
• Communicates well
characteristics of counselors