they put, placed, pitched (only with castra)
What is: posuerunt
All nouns whose genitive singular end in -IS belong to this declension.
What is: the 3rd declension
(see p35)
What is the gender rules for the 3rd declension
1. Gender (nouns naming individual male persons are masculine, nouns naming individual female persons are feminine)
2. SOX/ERROR/LANCET (Fem, Masc, Neut)
Deus, pater hominum, in Caelo est.
God, the father of men, is in Heaven.
What is: "now"
agunt gratias
What is: They give thanks
“portus, portus,̄” is of this declension (include gender).
What is: 4th Declension, masculine
All verbs whose present infinitive active ends in -ēre belong to the...
What is: the 2nd conjugation
(see p120)
Deus legem hominibus dedit.
What is: God gave the law to the men.
The case that governs propter
What is: the accusative
What is: They made
The nominative and genitive singular of "thing, affair".
What is: “res, rei”
When the subject is the person or thing to which the action is done.
What is: the Passive voice
(see p180)
Nautae portus vident
Daily Double
The sailors see the harbors
Adjectives agree with their nouns in three ways.
What are: case, number, and gender
(see p73)
They came
What is: venerunt
Decline "a servant or slave".
What is: "servus, servī, servō, servum, servō (singular); servī, servōrum, servīs, servōs, servīs (plural)"?
An appositive agrees with its noun in these 2 things
What is: number and case
The Gauls inhabit Gaul.
The gender of collis and mōns
What is: masculine
What is: You all are
Decline "lēx, lēgis".
What is: “lēx, lēgis, lēgī, lēgem, lēge (singular); lēgēs, lēgum, lēgibus, lēgēs, lēgibus (plural)”.
The governing case of the preposition "in" and why
In with ablative : in, on: no motion
In with acc: in, into, against, upon, on: movement
Christiani caedem principum hostium non laudant.
Christians do not praise the slaughter of the enemy's leading men.
What are the rules to determine 3rd declension i-stem nouns
Genitive stem ends in 2 consonants or have the same number of syllables in nominative and genitive