What does the word glared mean?
b) stared angrily
What does the word boasted mean?
to brag
Which character wishes to harm Hercules?
According to the myth, where do the Gods live?
Mount Olympus
She was jealous of the attention he received from Zeus.
What does the word resourceful mean?
clever at solving problems
What does the word devised mean?
created a plan
Why does Zeus send Hercules to King Eurysthesus?
to learn to use his strength in a good way
What kind of person is MOST likely to be described as herculean?
a strong person
How did Hera first try to hurt Hercules?
She put snakes in his cradle.
What does the word unfortunate mean?
What does acquire mean?
to get
How many tasks does King Eurystheus ask Hercules to perform?
By sending Hercules to Eurystheus' Kingdom, Hera believed...
Hercules would die.
How did Hercules defeat the Nemean Lion?
With his bare hands.
What does the word declared mean?
to say something
What is an anytonym of the word "beamed"?
pout, frown
Where did Zeus and Hera send Hercules?
To King Eurystheus' Kingdom
Which quality is MOST important in helping Hercules obtain the golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides? a) cleverness b) courage c) kindness d) strength
a) cleverness
Why was Hercules having a difficult time killing the Hydra of Argos?
When one head was cut off, another two grew in its place. Also, one head was immortal.
What does the word beamed mean?
huge smile
How is Hercules' way of dealing with the dragon different from his earlier deeds?
He used his strength to kill the lion and the Hydra. To deal with the dragon, he had to outsmart Atlas.
How was Hercules able to defeat the Hydra of Argos?
Zeus helped him.
How did Hercules outsmart Atlas?
Hercules told Atlas he would give him a break if he got the Golden Apples for him.