Who was allowed to have education and how old?
Boys only , and 5-14.
How did Spartans feel about outsiders?
They didn't like them.
Give me 3 things they had in common.
Education, Slavery, and Religious practices.
Did Athens and Sparta both agree on women's rights?
IS this greek?
Women were not allowed to be citizens.
How many kings did Sparta have and how old did they have to be?
2 kings and 60 years old.
Despite their differences, how did Athens and Sparta share similar cultural, military, and political traits?
Athens and Sparta shared language, religion, strong militaries, reliance on slaves, and oligarchic elements in government.
They both had democracy
No , Athens did only.
Where is this from?
Were they happy?
Is this Sparta?
No this is Romania.
No, only in Sparta.
Is this Athens?
What age did women have to be married?
Are girls and boys trained to fight?
Were women both key things in the civilization? If you think they are give me one of their key roles from both.
Yes, they both had major roles.
What is the biggest difference?
What god is this and whats his name?
Ares and War.
Give me the date that women gained rights in Athens.
March 28, 1952
Who is their "God of War"?
Tell me one thing you remember from the video about them both.
*Your response*
How did Athens' democracy and naval focus differ from Sparta's oligarchy and militarism?
Athens focused on democracy, intellectual pursuits, and naval power, while Sparta prioritized militaristic oligarchy and land-based warfare.
What is happening in this photo?
Athen civilazation has been hit my plauge.